The Gavelyte, December 1908

172 THE c;AVBLYTE, to do labor too burdensome for their tender bodies. No, we desire a nation, each succeeding generation of which shall become better than the last, of whi ch every citizen knows the meaning of life, liberty and happiness. Our free schools have dooe !l}UCh to make us a great nation. A Prussian maxjm says, "Whatever you would have appear in the life of the nation you must put into the s~hools". If we wish this to be a Christian nati on the Bible must not be taken out of our schools, but must be retained with double significance. The only government that can stand is one founded on an abiding religi on . If we leave God out of schools, out of homes, ont of ou r business, out of our government, out of our live-,, we can not en rlure. Other nati ons equally great have fallen, from neglect of God and so may we. Josiah Strong says, "If this generation is faithful to its trust, America i"s to become God's right arm .in bis battle with the world's ignorance, oppression and sin"·. The realization of this prophecy rests with every American citizen. There are forces at work now for a better adjustment of human affairs. Before long you will be given an opportunity to take a stand for or against these evils. Remember the world died by conformity to error and loyalt.y t o wrong. It i your duty t o try by every means to lift the burdens, which hang abont the necks of the laboring classes as millstones. Remove the canker that is gnawing at the vitals of this nation. Help to send the great truth of Christian alvation to every creature, "that they may have life and havf\ it more abundantly". "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." Then and only then .can we be certain that "this government of the people, by the people, and for the people" shall not perish fr om the earth. A Citizen of The World . RY EDWARD LHAW '10. At the very beginnin g of life th ere i a struggle between self-preser- . vation an'd se lf sacrifice. This is manifested in the living cell, which, while it is struggling for its own existence is constantly sacrificing vitality for other living cells. Selfh:hness and Altruism seem to be inherent in life.