The Gavelyte, December 1908

17k Tlrn GAVIDLYTE, ------------- --------- -- ·-- epoch in that countr>' · If ever a woman had the right to say that she had no chance to get along in the world, the Dowager Empress had that right. Born of poor parents, she was sol,! into slavery, and afterwards attracted th-l attention of a general who presented her to the Emperor, whose wife he b&came. During the three succeeding reigns she was the power be– hind the throne, directing affairs with the cunning of a spider and the cruelty of a ero. She opposed reforms, and enforced her opinions with the ax. The Manc~u dynasty, to which she and the Emperors belong is desperately hated by the bulk of the Chinese, but it is firmly intrenched in µ,) ver an •i under the vigorous ability of the new r~,gent, wiil douhtless continue to direct the affairs of the celestial kingdom. The temperance forces are continuing their victorious career through the countiPS of Ohio, the score now standing fifty to eight in favor of the drys. ' 'In Loving Ren1em- j And old Pop, tho it's sad to de- brance of •Bill' Waide." j clare ! Surrendered without one tear. :-; oTF.-\\" ith apulo;.d t>,; all .l l'llllll !I. W f' pl'i ll t i Cb p B'll r t this p lf11 :< i 1> J1 , h o ping- thll t lw 1:ehy 11,111-y_ he I 0. oor I · e C. . C' IH'Olll'!lg'C·d to fl oo<l 1h r ecllt nr \I Jt h p n n g- pur try . -I When Bill came back this year, Once there came a fellow I Madly he tore his hair; From Philadelphia town ; For his lady-love, tho a patient He went out to our college dove, That he might gain renown. Had flown in deep despair! Gho. Poor Bill! 'Tis ad Bill! Cho. Hard luck, Bill! Poor Bill. • Two weary year. he strove .'ome on e unkindly said that they To win for himself a namP, failed to see where Begg got the But alas, and alack, he fail'd name "Apollo" for they understood For a woman retarded hi. fame . that Apollo wa a beautifnl man. Cho. Poor Bill! etc. Wendell Fo ~ter said · he thot he One lovely maiden fair "looked good" in a foot-ball suit. I · Obscured "'s" vi ions I wonder if mother has any more at here, home like him.