The Gavelyte, December 1908
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 179 - - - - ------ ------------ The compu lsory litrrary perfor- i. Wm. Waide, "Evils of Child Labor"; mance has been in very successful I Florence Williamson, "Not Wealth, operation du ring its second term . 1 but Life"; Frank Creswell, "The Hand The societies have shown their desir(j of Destiny"; EJward Shaw, ''The Citi– to help by ag reeing to give monthly zen of the World"; and D. J. Brigham, programs fo r the Building Fund. HThe Uncrowned Hero", were the other contestants. Oratorical As ociation held its sec- ond annual contest Nov. 20th. It 'lShe Gavel Club. was well attended and the orations The Gavel Club u11der it,s new offi- 1 ' were all instructive and helpful as an I cers, Phi l Dixon, pres , etc., is pre- oration ought to be. Mr. William ! paring for some active work the re– Waide, '09, erstwhile of Phila. now maining portion of the year along of CedarvillP, is the genial and popu- \ the lines of parliamentary law, for iar Secretary of the State Association. I the study and practice of which it Muskingum, our debating rival, has I was formed. Mr. W. H. Harriman i recently been admitted. Mr. J. Ken- ' the new member. neth Williamson, with his oration, I • _"Le'"'sons from the Past", was award- Philosophic ed 1st place, and V¥ ill reprPsent us at I What more could be said than that Akron, in February. Miss Verna I the well-filled programmes are being Bird, oration, "Individual Liberty", sustained? Some one well said, "if won second place, and will deliver th<:- i each Philosophic were striving for a to:rnt for us on that orraf;ion. Mr. '. 1()0 grarlP, t.hry v,ou 1<1 havf' to kPPp
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