The Gavelyte, December 1908

,~n the society going till .midnight". _ The i Men of C. C., we appeal to yJu; to debates are being studied as ne'er I your heart, and mind, and soul; we before- everybody is doing tip-top f need you; you can spare the time if work - and the programs of this term I we can. See D. .J. Brigham or Ed and of the same term, last year, as- I Shaw or W. Watt, of the Membership sure.dly present a mighty contrast. i Commit.tee and have them do some- KePp it up! 1 thing for you. Get in line! I Philo I L e cture Course My! what a rd . our society is I Vary_ fortunately, the Le~ture making.- Almost everyone has a few I Course this year is proving the big– points over 100. Philo should par-, gest kin<i of a success. Through the ticularly rejoice over this showing, 1· persevering work of the committee, as last year she was well nigh ex- enough tickets have been ~old to pay hausted. Keer pegging at it, Philo, I for the course; money has baen you ought to cierive a lot of inspira- 1pledged to redeem the deficit; and tion from Home-Coming week. I the attendance at each number thus 1 far has been above the average. Dr. Y . M . C. A . i Edward Amherst Ott opened the Is till keeping uy its faith in its Course, November 12th, lecturing on power to reach the men of this co l- "Sour Grapes" in one of the most in– lege . Mr. A. H. Lichty was in town teresting and in~tructive addresses for a few days and was well satisfied we have ev·er been privileged to listen with the work being done. The to. It was a gem of oratory, ar.d a prayer meetings have beE:n going on I continuous string of pearl~ of thou~h~ as usual; the pr::tyP.r band has had and culture. The Oriole Lad1e several meetings for prayer; the QuartetlP, in the second number, Dec. builciing rommittf'r hm, been formu- cltli, were highly appreciated, parti::– lating it plans and its appeal; the j ularly the so!os by Mi ~ Helen Tin_ker mis. ion sturiy has at last been inau g- I and the, read1_ngs by Miss Edna R1ck– uratP.~I; and all along the lin e we are I ~rd. The third ~umber, the Euphon– making beginning-s; some of us per- j rnm Quartette, will be heard January haps will never reap; but the influ- 1 19th, '09. · ence that is being cas t abroaci by the - --- Ch ri tian young men of C. C. will Everybody Boos t! Boo, t!! Boost!!! live on despite the passing of the few. 1 o knocke rs allowed. •