The Gavelyte, December 1908

-------- Hi:>re are only a few Alumni notf'~ hut, it'R rot our fault. Elkana J;'inney. of Marengo, wa. at homf' for thP feRtivitir .. L 0 L's lwar from you, AlumnnR! Read S. C. Wright's article on the Home Coming-then do some corres– ponding with him Rev. W. R. Graham has written an article in this number that f'Very alumnus shonlcl read and ponder. Prof Carl Marshall is making a fine record a:', Township upt. of Schools, and is very popular with all - but it's no rnore than he des:Jrves. The College A. A. has to thank Mr. .J. A. Finney for the timP he gave to dt>veloping this year's foot ball team. Hi::; interest and help was surely ap– preciated by the team. Rev. W. A. Pollock wa here for Thanksgiving season and waR kPpt hu. y preaching and lecturing. Ile lPft for Phila., where he expf'ct~ to prParh fur fonr \\'f'Pks.