The Gavelyte, December 1908
lk2 Tllll} (;AVELYTE, --------------,----------- -- - -- AT H LET IC S. that C. C. will this year have the -- I greatest team it ever had. A second The foot-ball" season is over and team has been organized under the tho we didn't play so many games as name, Y. M. C. A., and is out with a we expected we had considering all , strong bid for the second team cham- ' ., , I . . a successful seaF-:on. A victory l)ver I pionship o~ Southe~n Ohio (wait till Nelson's, two ties with Wittenberg, ' you see their new suits.) rl efeats by Antioch and St. Mary's I The girls have chosen Mfas Cres– constitute the season's record. At a . well as manager and Miss Josephine meeting of A. A, Mes~rs. Watt and !Orr as ca[Jtain- now, get to work K. Wflliamson ~vere chosen manager I and "do something.'' and as'istant manager respectively . , Sch'3dule:- I Dec. 5, Xenia fod~pend~nts .....•..Ced. : Dec. 11, St. Marys Inst1. .......Dayton ~-....................~._..-.-r-T--, jnec. 12, Miami's ............. .. ......Ced. ~.Ll.!>.L.J.~ J....,,1.--J,~c...a.o~ .. ! Dec. 18, J ' town .................Ced. I Jan. 1. Varsity Club ............. Dayton After some hard i Jan. 8, pringfield Y. M. C. A.....Ced. days of practice, the I Jan. 15, Miami's .....................Ced. college five played its I Jan. 22, Lebanon Uni. ......... Leb:lnon first game with Xenia I Jan. 29, Cincinnati Uni ............Ced. Independents, before a Feb. 5, Lebanon Uni ................Ced. large home crowd and Feb. 12, Xenia Seminary .. .........Ced. secured the victory in rather walk Feb. 19, Muskingum girls..........Ced. away sty le. Score 3fi-12. I Feb. 20, Capitol Uni . ...... .-. .......Ced. The teams lined up: - Feb. 26, 0. M. U..... ............. .. Ced. C. C. Xenia I Mar. 5, Steele H. S.......·.... ......Ced. Watt ................1 f. ..... ........ . Neeld Mar. 12, game pending with Haskell McClellan .......... r f ... ........ Ankeney i lnrlians. ~ill'._amson ...... ...._c ........., humack.~ r 1 1 \i1ar. 19, Capitol Un i...... ... Columb~ Confa.rr............. 1 g . ........... Paulnn Mar. 26, o·pen to any good team rn Field:a; ...............1 g .... .Whittington the state. Alth o a difficult chedule has been arrangerl by Mgr. Creswe ll , yet we Going to Ander un's, Miss Smith, believe with the experi enc Pd t~am 1 (to "Dri\'er" Co rnelius)- "Eilen Sie we have and the loyal support of al l, Nie ht, Herr Co rnelit1s."
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