The Gavelyte, December 1908

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 1 3 Chapel Talks. J dressed us on the value and need of an education at this present day-the [n the absence of the slated speak- need in these times of men with er, Rev. Dr. McChesney favored us trained minds and clear vision, clos– with one of the most impressive and! ing with an appeal for the ministry. educative talks that we have ever j Come again, Doctor. listenrd to. Taking as his theme "Abraham Lincoln: Reminiscences", I Excer.pts. the spdi:tker traced Lincoln's career 1 "God can be. moved . by prayer."– from hi8 lowly origin through the Lincoln. stormy anti-rebt-llion days till he sat Li·fe no " t·t· · f w - comoe :i 10n 1s o in the White House, directing the en- brains, not of brawn';.-·Rev. MiJH,gan. ergies and sympathies of a warring peo,ple, Urna to that last scene of all, I ."Yo.u can't a.~ord. t? be any old where, the sad-eyed president met his thing lil college. -Milhgan. doom by the bullet uf a cowardly as-I "Lots of people make a good liv– sassin. j ing, but not a good life."- Milligan. Rev . Milligan gave os another i-;oul-j "What you are speaks so loudly inspiring address on ''Countersigns of I that I cannot hear what you say."– Success". He pointed out the fol-1 Ralph Waldo Emerson. lowing guides: 0) a disciplined mind; I "The building of oar character is (2) a ready hand; (3) a ,clean rec?rd; lj only the completing of the work God (4) a fixed l)Urpose. Get on the right has given you a,nd .me.'·- Rev. Po'llock. track and adhere to duty. j . . "Live for the upper things, for the Rev. W. A. Pollock, an alumnus, / better spheres of life."-Dr . Hutchi– helped us all considrrably in his talk I son. on thP- theme, "Is the Young Man i Safe?"-is he safe in his ·character, I Ask Davy Brigham about the ex– safe in comµanions, safe in conduct? j pulsive foree of a new affection. We Would that every college man and I wonder if that has anything to do - woman in Cedarvill e could answer I with his tangles. with a strong affirmative. You will find Downing's Photo- Rev. Dr. R. A. Hutchison, a splen- j! graphic work far superior to most did type of man, the Home Missionary I galleries and worth going out of Secretary of the U. P. ch urch ad- J your way to get. Xenia, Ohio.