The Gavelyte, December 1908

18 1 THI£ GAV~LY'l'E, ----------- ------------- -- We t.hank Re-.· ..1. W. ·sand erson I of th e pu bl1ca Li on of thi il paper. We for his kindness in striving to irr,pr6ve make no apologies; with our oppor– the singing ability of our number by tuniti es, we have tried our best; we his interes ting instruction in the fund- can say, safely, that the paper was amental s of vocal mu sic. I never in so good a shapA as it now is. I I After Xmas, the paper will be in the We want a college song! Who is ·hands of the student body, and we going to try it? Are you, alumnus? ·1 hope under the new management, It would be interesting to have a song more interest and more support will in whi ch all C. C. students, past, pres- I be vouchsaved to ·us from the college ent and future , could unite. body. As editor, we are grateful for the efficient bus-ines_s management of Mu skingum- It's well nigh time the paper ; as .a staff, we _t-hank, all you hap that ques ti on here, i.f you our con1,ributors and -ail our advertis– expec t t o debate. with C. C. this year . 1 ers, only hop,ing · that in some way We hope thi " will speedily be attend- we may h:1ve bee_n enabled to do them ed t o, as our men are anxious fo r the Igo~d_. 'yYe extend _to all, s tude~t, fr ay . . Ialumnu s and advertiser, our cordial · j wi she, t'o r a very Merry i !J1?S and a Thi s r,nmbf'r closf's th f' thirct yea r Iprosperou , ew Ye ar.