The Gavelyte, December 1908
CBOARVILLE COLLEGE. Why C C. tudents , honld ,have. a ; and, inspmng Commencement Sea- Merry Xmas: - sons of its hi tory. l Its paper is on a olid financial 1 basi~. We think it almost unnecessary to 2 Its Y. M. C. A. is gradually swing- 1 say anything commendatory of the ing into grt>..itar power and promises J Faculty's recent action in formulating much for the spiritual welfare of the j additional rules for th€l conduct of in tituti,111. the literary work. The faculty ha~ 3 It· at,h ll'tic tPams are stronger I at heart the best interest of every than u.;ual. man and woman in college, and we 4 It~ literary soeietiP are advanc- 1believe, if there is anything that pos- 1 ing in power. sibly could be said derogatory of it, 5 Its weekly lecture course stands I it would simply be this, i. e. that it is unequalled in any college. jl not strict enough in its dealings with the student body; it errs too often on Wt> an, glad to acknowledge the \ the sicte flf leniency. Particularly, receipt 11f Rev. W. R. Graham's let- ! the ruling concerning debates and ter. We wish the alumni would res- l oration::; is notewo~thy, for if C. C. . . l ever expects to wrn State Contests, i-;pond heartily to the sentiment~ of I it will never be from simple energy, that letter. Also. note the article , manifested in a heap, upon one ora– on the Llome-Coming. There is ab- tion, but rather, uy th;e development solutely no reason under the sun why that comes from con::;tant oratorical each and everv alumnus and alumna ~ork, both in writing ar~d in spea~- . • mg, that our college will ever win o~ th,~ :ollege ~an~ot mab the sac- first place. Right here, wouldn't it nfice or a weeks ume, next June, to 'j be an excellent idea to plan, say, a curne ba<.:k to their alma mater and . term of work in oratory, that would _ whoop thing-; up at this Home-Com-I surely ~o m.uch to define clear!~ in a in . We appeal to you to put some students mrnd what hfl or •she 1s ex- g : , pected to do when chosen for the earnest thought o_n this matter, to I contest. The same may be applied let us hear your opinion on the sub-, 1 to debating. An alumnus recently ject, let the committee have your yisiting made t~is point, i. e: that suggestion·s· if you know where an 1t would be well, rnstead of havmg an I · ' r t d t I t's individual debate with an individual, a umnus .•-, or a orrner s u eo ' e to have team debat" against one an- have tht:'Ir name too. how us that other - thus inculcating the power of we have your support. Cedarville I co-operation so necessary to-day in will havP OM of the mo1-t interPRting our buRinP.~, anil profeRRional lifr. I
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