The Gavelyte, December 1908

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 1 7 his trouser were generally a foot too short. He was always i.. good humor and good health. So far as manual labor wa concerned he was rathPr lazy, pn•ferring to lie around and read or seek a crowd and crack jokes. In 1 16, his father fell out with his neighbors in Kentucky and sta rtPd with his fam ily to Ohio but ·landed in Indiana at last. On the way, hi: boat cc:1psizPd in the Ohio river, and Thoma" Lincoln lost all his material belongings except a few tools and a large store of whiskey. ·The family finally located in Posey county, Indiana, but soon after drifted into Perry county, l11dia11a.. There they lived in distressing poverty; and Abraham Lincoln'~ niuth1--r b1--in~ Pf a delicate conslitut ion soon declined and died ' leaving her son mothnlPi-;s at 9 years of age and under the care of a shift- le s drinking father and with a little siste r to protect and help to support. In thirteen months after, Thomas Lincoln found another wifr, who became his master and his ar.gel. She found the children dirty, poorly clad, and in sad need of motherly care . ~he and Abraham fell in love with each other at tl:e first c1nd maintained their mutual affection permanently. It was she, whom Abraham Lincoln nearly c1lways mt'unt, when he spoke of his mother and to whom he referred as "saintly" and "angel." Nor is it least interesting in this connection that Thomas Lincoln had been in love with her before hP married Nancy Hanks, but his first proposal was turned down. Why he accepted his second one can orily be a matter of conjecture, un– le s she felt callPd as a missionary to him and to al.3t the part of a mother to Abraham Lincoln . (To he ( ' onti1111ecl. l Cedarville College Home-Coming. A word about the Home-Coming! At that time a committee, composrd Have you heard about it? Do you of Miss Belle Winter, Prof.. J. IL _ know what it i ? Let us explain a Fitzpatrick and S. C. Wright,chairman, few points concerning it. A Cedar- was appointed to arrange for the ville College Home-Cuming, to be P,vent. The object is to have every held next June during commencement alumnus and alumna, every former week, had its conception at the last 1 1 student, and all former members of mPPting of thP Alumni Association. the facnlt.y to pBy thP rollPg-P and