The Gavelyte, December 1908
l. 'X THE <JA VBLYTE, Cedarville a vi~it at next commence- J with the throng. Who would i10t be ment season. I glad to have the privilege of a chat There are now over ninety gradu- 1with Prof. Campbell or to bask once ates of the college and if we could !more in the winsome smile of Miss I all be here npxt commencement !Ander3Qn (Mrs. Harper) or to see sea , on, we could ~ave a grand an~ j Miss Eddy, Prof. 8tewart, Miss Morris intt're~tiog meeting nf the alum:11 i and all the rest? Professors, your association,-one that would strengthen I presence again in Cedarville i¥ill be u: in our love and devotion for our i gladly welcomed. Alma Mater and perhaps re~u!t in_ a II Such is a brief outline of Cedar.ville movement tn endow an Alu mm chair. , College Home-Coming to be held next There are between five and six I June. Will you be here, is a hundrecl young men and women I question for you to decide. Decide . cattered tbroughout the United Jin the affirmative. You need a holi– State who have at one time and I day once in a while, se arran~e to· another b.een stud~nts at Cedarville I take a week next June. collegJ. ome of them, perhaps, I Watch succeeding numbers of the were ,' tudents for a hort time ~nly, GA VELYTE for further announce– but the greater number spent trom I ments relative to the Home-Coming. one to three years in coliege, when In a few days the committee will circumstances caused th.em_ to for~- I have a meeting at which time de– go the pleasure of fimshmg their I finite plans will b~ mapped out. Just cour e ~ncl obt.aining a degree. We I what the programme will include we · are , ure all the e former students are now unable to say. Commence– would be glad to vi, it the old c91lege ment week is well filled with college again and mingle for a while with event· and whatever functions are friend . and school mate of former held pe<·ially for the Home- omen; ) ean,. It would be a good time to will have to be arranged so as r.ot to form a 'edarville 'ollege Former conflict with commencement proper. t1:den t.' A sociation acd arrange for SuggeRtion concerning Home-Com– annual meeting8 and banquE-t' ::-imilar ' er.' programme w;ll be received to tho. e held by the Alumni A so- I gladly by the committee from any ciation. who may be interesteri. Al o, formPr members of the 1 facultv we ex:tend to each of you a ... ' . ' corciial invitation to come and mingle J :'incerely, 2. CALVIN WRIGHT.
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