The Gavelyte, December 1908
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 189 Death of George I This space is held in reserve for W. Harper. "Brick" Fields. -- J John ''Orr" Stewart. the coming M_r: (;eo W.. Harper, ~or yea~·s a / mathematician! fam iliar figure in Ced arvil le business I Did all notice Hishop McClellan at life, and a member of t.h e College Ad- I Martha Anderson's? visory _Hoard, µa sed int~ eternal 1 1 Get a hustl e on you, girl , buy new rest, Fndc1y. ov. 12th. His dectase , suits and ''play ball". clo ed a can·~r uf gTeat u efulness j . , •• t th · 1 f hll d . d d , Ralph Hills amb1t1on: To make and o e c11mmurllty, a I e ti l' 111 ee , 1 . h cJ 1 1 ,h . f I operate an aerop ane. wit goo wor c~. e stuoents o C. C. should revere his memory es- / What has becume of t~e German pecially, because, it was through his club we had started some nrne months philanthropic c;pirit that we have in i ago??? , our ~nstitutio~ a_ departme_nt of Ec'.J- j ''Bi!I" H.awthorn~ i1. thinking of nom1cs and S0c:1ol11gy, which has so 1 spendmg his vacat1 c, n down on the ably been directer! by Prof. Leroy Al- I farm". I Jen. :vlr. Harper was al~o a staunrh I G t D · , St d" X · f . , ;iO o ownings u 10, enrn, or friend of the Y. M. C. A. movement II k. d f t d t Ph t and in this state. Hi:: works and his m- a rn s O up- o- a e O os Portraits. fluence surely do follow him. Local News. Merry Xma~! Happy ew Year! Be Lack 011 the 3rd! Support arl vertisers ! "Bobby" Dean asks for space - a man who wears his hair as he does, doesn'~ deserve it. / Mr. Waide has announced his in-· I . tention to remain in Cedarville dur- ing the Xmas holidays. I Time: Nov. 12th, O~t lecture. l Place: Opera H0use. j Girl: Dave and ?? Wendell Fo. ter- " Well, I'm not Ralph Hil.1---the scientific American. killing myself; I r1m only taking it Good luck to the new staff! Cheer at the basket ball games! Ira Cornelius is going· "ore-mining". moderately." (Watch him when he Sniggle is a •-r_ 1 adies' Man" now for I starts at full speed- if his mother ::;urP. only knrw .)
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