The Gavelyte, December 1908

l I Hl TI-rn GAVELYTE, A Zoology student s'ays:-''A cow glr, do~'t you be uneasy. now. is a rodent." Prof. Jnrkat: - "Rats." Phil :- "Have you seen anything of my dearie? I haven't seen her for a who!~ ch1y." You should not take a study For the sake of getting through; But you should always take it For the good that it will do. (Longfellow Jr.) The Orn;' taffy pull was a huge I Good pie, little girl, good pie, success . All had a good time and a I.,. Good pie, little girl, good pie, part of some on<> el~e\, taffy. I When good things are getting fPw, At the "t;:iffy pull," ''Bill" Waide, j I'll come marching back to you; commenting on the gronps; - "I ee · Good pie, little girl, good pie. Lloyd manages to keep hovering W. F. (to Prof. Allen) - "Fe8sor, around the nest". tyou want to make Bertha Dean quit Prof. "Fitz": - " amP. some uses of making faces at me." arsenic." . Professor-"! don't blame her for . Miss Turnb.nll:- ''!t's used ext~n- !making faces at you." s1vely for dyeing (dymg) purposes. Sniggle (going to Anderson's) - After Rev. anderson had explained "You aren't any bigger than I am, M . ~ . h? ''pitch" and referred to the fork in are you, - IS' m1t . his hand Ed Shaw wanted to know if I Prof. Smith - "No, Ernest, we're a was a p1 c or . . th t ' t hf k I both small but mighty." Be;g (after he had •upper at Fath- . Prof. Fitz-''Break a rotten egg in– er Amos' the night before) :- You I to a glas~ of water and stir it up and ht t h th Upper We had result will be sulphur water." (In oug o ave seen e s I 11 t I t) . d ,, sme a eas last mght, we had peaches an cream . d 8 . ·d 2 d "N p f pee y 11 n - o, ro ., you Everyonr keep their eyes open! would have "fowl" (foul) water". Th 2nd team reorganized and are "B'll" W ·c:1 (h · t 1 a1 e appemng o eon- now called Y. M. C. A. Team of Ced- d 'th 1 . verse one ay w1 an a umQ_us, con- arv11le College and have purchased 1 1 d d 'th th · d ) " d th t . t I c u e w1 ese wor s - an a new Sill s. fellow marrien that girl and is now Watch fort.he .January number of living happily". the GAVELYTE and the nice Love Let-I Confarr (appearing on the scene ter (from life) by one of our ~mailer I and catehing his words)-"Gee, I boy studPntR I wondrr whom. Snig-· 1 wi~h l were he."