The Gavelyte, December 1908
(!I.Jl,.~~...l'\,-~.Jl,.Jv.Jl,.Jv..Jv--'\r-·[:] ! ''Bradley., ! ~ Sweater Coats ,? } Very Attractive for Gifts. ~ t GLOVD:~, Hu,JG, l'!.'1i8, HOLIDAY SUSPENDF,RS, ~HlPFLERS, l CA PS, SCA RF PINS. SUIT~, Etc, Etc. Spl,,nrlid Assortment. 1 ~ Nesbitt & Weaver, i t Main ·st. , Opp. Court House, ). ENIA, OHIO. ,? GS~-'v--~~.J\,Ol~~~~~~a A Xmas presPnt very pleasing and J Prof. lVleChesney(In Ethic~)---''What satisfying is a year's subspription to I is the Rectitude Theory, Mr. Confarr? the Cedarville Collegr paper, THE Mr. Confarr- "Oon't know Profe~– GAVELYTE. One whole big long year sor." for one little thin dollar. Send it, Professor (to Miss Bird) --"Next, Mm. boys, and - don't he short, shorter, Confarr". (Much !aught.Pr) shortest. ,'cene in Aunt Mary's back yard onr Sabbath afternoon a few Wl"E>ks Directory. Pres. Phila.dPlphian Lite1 ary Society, ago ( ov. lf'>); Prof. McChPsney, ........................... ]~ w. T stick. armed with hatchet ~nrl saw; Prof. Prrs. Philosophic Literary Society, .Jnrkat, with crow-bar and rross-cut .. . ............... ........ .... ..Eel Shaw. saw. Onlookers. Mrs. MrC:hrsney, Pres. Gavel Club, .. ......... Phil Dix<,n. Mrs. Jurkat, Mr. anrl Mr . Harrim;:in, Pres. Athletic As'n ..... G.William$On. Snig12:le and Cornel iu,. Reason: Cat Mgr. Foot Rall 'I'eam ...... Wm. Watt . fast between plaste- r and board wnll I Pres. Y.M C..A ., .. Wm. Hawthorne, Jr. of College Club. Result: Cat librrat- Prf's. Oratorical A~'n, . .ER. McClellan. , eel; all <IP parted quietly. Mgr. Da<:;ket-Ball ..... . Frank Cres\\'ell.
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