The Gavelyte, December 1908
<:''~~~~~"""'-....,...,,,...~'l I a A Revelation f The First pair of WALK-OVER shoes f I is revelation to the wearer because he nev- 1 er imaginPd that so much comfort and so much servic~ could be contained in one pair of Shoes We never have to talk WALK-OVER I quality to him any more. He knows. A complete line of College Shoes , Ladies' and Men's, ai = W ALH.-OVER Boot Shop, .,9 SO MAIN=ST. , DAYTON , OHIO. ~-~ ... ,.,,~~~..,..... .... --..,- ... ~-' \.I' ~...... ~ .-.~.:r-.z.., ~-~~~~~.!>l~l.(i'~~~~, f BOYS A:ND HORSE f 1 1J"' There will 1i .... no ki('k cum- t ing if y,,u \\ ear 011 r ~hr>es In fact it is po"i1in.j_v inipns- ~ . ihle for you t o I, ick figura- iJ ,; tiwly bPC'a'J:,;p tie shoPs 11re ~ ~ so perfect, but yon may kiek ~ f as hard as you wish µradi- f.. cally and not hurt I he ~ hoes a bit. j Reyes®. Nesbitt'. . f t 12 N. Detroit=St. , = Xeni a, Ohi o. t l l ,~~~t~~~~~1~t~·-
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