The Gavelyte, December 1908

------------------------ Manhattan Restaurant J. R. Cooper, I ! Cor. Main=s t . & Xenia=a v e. THE PLACE Gr.ocer, Where All the Students ! Ph 76 J one . Cedarville, Ohio . EAT. : J ~taple & Fancy Bring Your Girl! I Groceries, Provisions. The TALK of the Tow n!! Patronage olicited. I Kerr&Hastings Bros. I Waddle Bros. A complete line of ] Livery and Feed Stable. I Robes , Blankets, Storm I I i Fronts , Hardware , I Your wants attended Day or ight. I COAL!!! and FEEDS!!! :Terms Reasonable ~~-~~~~~~~~~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Golden Rule · Flour I Mr. Her be rt Milligan, of Wor th ing- ' ton, Pa., is the unlucky recipient of Is Better than Ever See D~ ! the position as janitor of the "Gym". L. H. SULLENBERGER. !consideri ng the things he must en– Cedarville Roller Mills. I dure, laying aside all jesting, he does not get much more than sympathy for his labors. Begg (to Rill): - "Rill, was that you J Begg (with gestures to the inscrip- that callE>d up last night, wh c> n we / 1,io:1 on the rostrum, Sni ggle and Miss wE>re out at Tonkinson'!:;? Smith) - "Look at that writing up . ". thE>re''. Ritter: - 1'-Jo, why do you always Er nest _ "WE>ll _ if_ that _ doE> _ blame me for calling you up \\'hen I them - an~· - gn11.I - h,t - them - put - ... you gb out there?'' it - on. (Very placiclly and calmly).