The Gavelyte, December 1908
FOR XMA:S XMAS POST CARDS, Bells, Seals, Stickers, .:"'HIRT ' ECKWEAR, HOSIERY, Tags and Decorations GLOVE8, etc. 1 Fi:":e Water Colors I Have your picture framed Enge l C8l. Heinz, now for Xmas at 13 E . 5th-st.. DAYTON., o. L. H. Barnes & Co., -- Opp . l,yric Theatre. MEARICK'S Cloak House! Tailor made Suits Coats, Skirts and Waists XENIA, OHIO. ZELL'S jBook. Store. Green-st., The largest assortment of fine Furs in Dayton . / Near Post Office, 123 So. Main=St. jXenia, Ohio. IF. t· f 6 .- Baldner & Fletcher, : 1ne tne o roceries I ' i Xmas Candy and Nuts Plumbing and Heating ! Toilet Articles, Cigars Roofing and Spouting ! Tobacco and Pipes All kinds of Repairs on Fresh Bottled Milk Daily. Pumps,Roofing, Spouting i C. E. Northup, 42 E. Main=st, Xenia, Ohio I oN THE HILL TOP.
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