The Gavelyte, December 1908
g++++++++~+++++++++++++++x i SAY! GIRLS, l + Leap Year is almost at an end and if you have + + + not won a SWEET=HEART yet, feed HIM on + our SWEET=HEART Candy. + + + + NAGLEY BROS. + + + ~++++++++++++++++++++++++$ g++++++++++++++++++++++++$ t P~ S-LACR'S SONS t + + 112 E. Main-st ., Springfield, Ohio. + Fine ~WEATER, (CPats) prices from $2.00 to $5.00: + + Baskf>t Ball opplies of all kinds, Skates anfl all kinds of + + S . G d + porting oo s. _ + + + ~++++++++++++++++++++++++$ ~~~~~~~~~- ( J. W. JOHNSON, ohe Jeweler, .i '; Has a fine a. sortment of article, . oitable for prpsents, such as «; ! Ring s, Diamonds , Watches, Chains , Fobs, .i l Silverware , Cut Glass, Toilet Sets, Etc. «; -~~~~~~~~,,, t<ead GAVELYTE Ads for Christ1nas Buying. Then ca ll on the Adverti ser for the goods. It will pay you.
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