The Gavelyte, December 1908

The Gavelyte. VOL. Ill DECEMBER, 1908 NO. 10 . An Appreciative and Appreciated Letter To the Erlitorial Staff ..f the GAVELYTE :- I would like to express my appreciation of the splendid spirit that has manifested itself through the pa~es of the Gav– f'lyte, this· fall. [t seems to me to he a good omen; and if such a spirit con– tinues, a sp lendid future for the college, even more glorious than her past, is assurerl . ThEl A.111 mni, h11wever, have not quite canght the spark of enthusiasm . Aside from Miss Andn~w's splenJid artiL:le, nothin(! has appeared, I believe, from the pen of an alnmnus . I haven't anything of interest to say, I guess, but pPrhaps you will be glad to get evi-11 that. The last issue of the Gavel– yte inrlic:ates that almost every questi,rn of interest to mankind has been be– forP "The Hou e" and handled in a superi1>r mannt>r. I haven't gotten far Pn ~ugh awr1y sn that rlistaneP· pven, might lend Pnehantment to my words; but I am nor, snrr_v t11 lw ,war at hand. It is to be hoped that there are enou!l.h of u-; t1Pnl' at hand to::;,> arlvertise and arrange for "The Home-Com– ing"' that Lho:,;e aL a di:,;tanc:e will fPel that they cannot afford to miss it TherP i-s a winning spirit in the college now, and if that spirit were to reci.>ive thP t>ncourai.(emt->nt that i::; due it from every source, it might be -p_roductive of wonrlerful result~· . I wi sh I could .eliminate the personal pro– noun from all of this, and if it apuears often please attribute it to clumsy rhetoric. Perhap-, the Alumni of Cedarville College are no worse than those of oLhPr cnllege~. but it seems to me that we, at least mo t of u~, neerl a royal 1.;ood scolding; and who is to administer it, if not an Alumnus? The Rm.TOR enn't rln aR hP would like to. it woul<ln't be goo<l politics at IPaf;t.