The Gavelyte, December 1909
C~DARVILLE COLLEGE. unprincipled conduct in icaragua has brought about an al~1ost succe sfnl revolution. To add to the discord, it is now cha rged t hat several Amer ican financial pira tes have been fomenting t rou l,l es in t he several states fo r their own financial g~in. A synd icate of predato ry tende ncies cont rols the country, and whenever people there have wrongs to redre$S, they appea l to the l nited States. The argument is that ince we enjoy exceptional privileges, we hould also recognize our responsibil ity to maintain order. If these republics hould try to oust the $yndicate, it would make a howl at Wa8hington that would br ing the whole American navy to Caribbean shores. No doubt Uncle Sam must be Central Ame rica's polieeman, out the .·y ndicate needs a <'luubing first. The Liberal government of England has proposed an enormous budget for the corning year. The House of Lords has roused ilself and n--jected the same, bringing the matter direct ly before the country. The conservative peers want the election to be fought out on the quest ion of the approval of the budget. The Liberal party wants the election to be fought out on the que::;tion of the reorgar.ization of the House uf Lords. The Liberals claim that the Lord\ in rt:'jecting the budget, have violated the British con– , titution, whi<.:h gives to the 1--eople's representatives the sole right to originate uills affecting the revenue . Po$sibly n('Xt year will see radical changes in the British governmental system, but it is to be hopPd that thl:' re~ult will not be a unicameral legislature. The West Japan Mission Presbyterian Church in U. S. BY REV. R. P. GORBOLD . . 11 1 ~:-'l'his l'l']iol't wa,; ,<"nt to ])r \\ . 1-l. ~)('('h<',;IH',I' hy ,/nhn .\ . ('oll' on n•q\lP<t of l{p\ (;orluold. Jt ban alirid~1·m<•nt of l-l1•v. <lorho]d',; l'C'JH>l't whi1·h 1·01·1•rPd t11e11t.1· <Ill<' J>H /!I'". 'l'1tr..11glt tl1<· i1lstr111111•111:1lity of J>,·. ~l('{'h<·,11P,I' and ~Jj,,.; ~Iary ~fnrdn<"k, th1· :'1\ lll of $1\P 11u-: rai,,·d ill tlii, 1·.. 11>1111111it\' and fonutrded lo H.1•1·. <;orh11ld to ,1,i'i,t him in Iii, 1111 .,.;,ioll 11orl, ill .Japan 'l'lto,<• who 1·011t;·il,11t<--<l to lhi, <·a1i-e II ill hP illlf'l'!'.<t<'d ill thi-: l'Pport. This has been the busiest year and the one most full of bles. irgs of any y<-'ar of 111y life. ~ll'IW.\1ACHI CI-ffRCH, in April undntook to :mpport itR own work. ThP ,'un<l.,y .'<·hool ha:,; ten teachers and a ,.,eJI attended Bible Class taught by an i>ld1·r I l,avf' an English BihlP Class and tht> pa. tor, . ever:il C'l:i~sPs for
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