The Gavelyte, December 1909

] ,'() enquirers. There are f_ourteen catechumens During the year ten men, fourteen women and two children have beeri added by baptism, others by letter, making a total of eighteen men, eighteen women, and four children, or forty accessions. YOSHIDA, (The student district)-The dwelling house on our lot has been used for small, meetings and classes since November. Mr. iwahashi helped me here until April and then Mr. Nidaka came after two years in a pastorate. He is enthusiastic i11 the wor-k. His Sunday School, boys club and club for girls are all aimed to train for chureh membership. I judge that he will wear well and long. We hoge to begin upon our new church building in September. I have kept up five English Bible Classes here for students of different schools. Seven adults, one hy letter, and three chil– dren have joined the chur0h. This is one of the most strategic points in the world and I am full of thanks to God and to American friends who have made this work possible. GO JO ST. CHURCH. More then seventy Christians here. Contributions have doubled since January. They pay fifteen yen a month on the rent and all other expenses except ev~ng~lists salary. The building is smail, dark, noisy and expensive. We have a good building committee arid four elders who give the work stability. One of the most earnest and capable members is the Zyoto General Agent of the Standard Oil Cu. He decided to become a Christian aflier a personal talk on the train between Kyoto and Kobe. He is now the Sunday School Superintendent. His whole family, mother, wife, two children and servant have been baptized. It is worth a long service in Japan to see such a family saved through real faith in Jesus Christ." Regular Sunday and mid-week services, a large Bible Class, a Chris– tian Endeavor Society, Temperance Society and many other meetings are held during each week. Since September there have been forty additions, twenty-five by baptisms. It is very important to have a new building here. Now is the time to locate suitable places for worship in these thickly settled districts. Land is expensive and the people are not able to carry the burden themselves. Mr. Honago the evangelist is to be ordained and will become full pastor. NISHIJIN- Kyoto's silk weaving district. A very active and promising work was begun here last January in the kindergarten building and in April was li~ensed by the Presbytery to take charge of a church here. Sunday