The Gavelyte, December 1909
C'J~DARVILLE OLLEGE. J 1 School, Childrrn's meeting., and socials are held statedly and are well at– tend d. F SHIMJ- We began here last October by opening a children' meeting in a little dirty six mat, twelve feet square, room. Began to preach afte;· children': meeting in .January. In February we found a nice new house for rl'nt at a low figure. More than one hundred children ar,d youn~ people gather here in some of the best meetings I have ever seen. A young army officer who i an earne t hri tian lives in the housij and has charge of the unday chool. There is a great future before thi. work. An army division i~ locatt-d nearby. O:\lIYA ST. A good start ha. been made with children's meetings on Mondays. A little blind girl who attends regularly is .:t leader among the children. We hope to have weekly preaching here in the Autumn. NI JO ST., NDAY SCHOOL. A Christian man with -his family lives in the hou e of whieh we pay part of the rent and he holds children's meetings with the help of two other teachers. The children are very attentive. KITA~C. At the big temple festival we hold an all day meeting once a month in a tent. Our new tent bought by the ht>lp of Mr. Ballagh will hold twice a-1 many as the one fl'hich the Buddhists u eat the ~ame festival. I have heard of ix bapti ·m during th~ year as a result of the. e meetings. This however is a very small part of the results. We get the names of many enquin-rs at the. e meetings whom we foll,lw up with printed matter, an<i by corre. pondence with them and their neare!.t pa:::tor . Guspels and te. la– ment are suld and with onr five men now at \\'oi·k in this city we hope to con. erve great results from these meetings. rem JO. Thi.-. is where we Jive. We try to make our home the center of a telling work for God. He has gr<'atly blP. sed the Sunday , chool here> at eight o'clock in the morning. The Sunday night Bible 'la. s which hal4 been hpt up for more than four years draws young wen from all parts of the city and from missions sc~ools A numlwr fr11m thi~ ela. s have been Jiaµti;wd. Notable among them being two young men of the Higher De– partmt>nt of the Do. hi. ha who came quite ri>gularly to thi: ela. s for two or three yearR rr~pectively One graduated and entered a bank, the other i · now teaching in .'unday .'chool at !chi .Jo. lt took this young man thre ear: to dPC'idP to give him::-.elf up to Christ. I havP n,onP,V on hand and good pro.'pf'<·t~ for enotwh morr with whic•h
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