The Gavelyte, December 1909

-------------- --- --------------·- to build a chapel on the corner of our lot This will include rooms for public worship and upstairs rooms for Bible women and Kindergarten tr ache rs. We are now publjshing "The Fountain" a monthly of which the firnt 1000 copies were issued in .July. TEACH!. G. I have spent from nine to ten and a half hours per week teaching in the 1st Middle SchJol of Kyoto, where I got next to 600 students from the best homes in the city. Two of my Bible Classes have been students of this school. With money received from this source I have been able to support the work in Yoshida. I hope to hold on to the boys but aliw hope to be able to give up teaching that I may have more time for direct evangelistic work. The most encouraging thing of this year is the way God has answered prayer. What more could we desire? Another year will witness more marvelous things if we are fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Chap el Talks j Mi~~ Andrew is a word artist of great I ab1hty.' and he_r lectm~e was ~ost ~n- The lecture given by Prof. -Palmer I terestmg and instructive, leaving with on the subject, "The Chemical Engi- 1us __many_ glimp~es of these cities neer," was most interesting and in- which will remain for many years. structive, giving to many of those We hope to hear Miss Andrew again. who were ignorar.t of the subject., a . somewhat comprehensive view of this I profession, and the opportunities I which are before the man who choos- · es this as his life work. Prof. Palmer intends following this profession as an agricultural chemist, and we are sure he will be at the top before. I. many years. I On last Mon<lay morning thP stud- I ents were per1J1itted to listen to Miss I Mary has a little beau, . His name is Earl McClellan; And every little while On her he gnes a callin'. A little Bird sat on a wall And he scratched his head and that's about all. This is what he thot, if you want to know, "I wish I had a feminine beau." Vera Andrew, who gave a lecture on, j Why does Lydia wear such a broad "Thr , Cities of the Pacific Cc,ast." I smile these days?