The Gavelyte, December 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Athletic News. I was 24 to 4 in favo r of Yellow I Springs. But wait until the return Can Ct>dan·ille play basket ball? l game is played at Cedarville and the This ~uestion wa.:: answered•) on I result of the game will be different. the mghts of Nov. 22d and Dec. urd . J The girls' basket ball team played . 0~ _ovemli_er 22d, we took the I their first game of the season on Xema Pirates rnto camp to the tune Tuesday night. ov. 17, against thr• of 104 to 15. The Pirates were out- Yellow Springs High School girls' clas~ed in every respect although the team at Yellow Springs. The girls· team came up with some of the best I played a good game but were defeat– players in thi_s section. But this was 1 1 ed by a score uf 27 to 0. One reason of no avail as Cedarville's three star that the girls were defeated ·by such players- Williamson, Palmer, and !a large score ~as on account of the Fields - simply could not be held sJown I low r.eiling of the Yellow Springs hall and the Pirates' forwards could do I for the girls were used to making a nothing as they were too well guard- . high pass which was impossible here. ed by Cedarville's guards - .vl('Clellan I They also had to play on a polished and Dixon. floor. Th~. evPnin.g of ~e~. ~rel' will go I On the 22nd of Nov., the two girls' rlown in the history of Ced an Ille Col- teams-the Reds and the Blues- J... g•! as the memorable time when the I played a game preliminary to the Cedarville b··aves pulled tl_i(:> Day~on j g::1,oe between the Pirates and Cedar– TigPr~' teeth. F 1 1r on this evenrng I ville. The Blues won by a score of the Tiger~ W{: re beaten by a score of I 10 to 3. One of the features of this 8-1 to 17. f'ields, Cedarvil!e's left I game was the guarding of the Blues. forward, was the star of this game I <18 he made basket after basket off of his man. Doubtless our boys would have won by a ll)UCh bigger score but for thr fact that the suits of the two team~ were nearly of the same color, !"mt as it was the score was big .,,wugh. On Uec. 2nd, tbe boy~' Recond team , nt over to Yellow .'prings anrl plrtyPd the lligh ~rhool. Th,:, sron• The Cedarville basket ball team ~uf– fered it::; first defeat of the SPason at St Mary's on Dec. 6. It was a very fast gamP, and Cedarville held them down to the score of 39 to 30. A1- liho St Mary's won, our boys out– playe<l them. Cedarville had one more fit:,Jd goal than St Mary'~. but the difference in the number 0f point8 mn<le liy t,hrm on fouls morr than
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