The Gavelyte, December 1909

I. 1 1'lJE r, AV ELY'J'E, I counter-balanced this. .The features I --------- -- ---- Alumni Notes. of this game were the fine goal shoot- ing of Fiel~s and the great work of I Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Orr are rejoic– the Cedarville guards- McClellan :ind ing over the arrival of a handsome Dixon . baby girl. If revenge jg sweet, Cedarville I Rev. and :\'!rs. W. A. Condon are should be experiencing a very sweet I the happy recipients of a fine daugh– taste for on Tuesday, December 7th, 1 ter. the basket ball team defeate.d the j Miss Mary B. Ervin, '02, our en– Jamestown Independents on thei_r own thuiastic county W. C. T. U. superin– floor by the score of 28 to 23 · It tendent of contests~ recently held a was very rough and tumble and re- 1 successful contest at Old Town. Miss sembled a f oot ball game. Evidently Verna Bird, '09, was one of the con– Jamestown thought that they would testants. win the game on ,roughness, but as . . . , the score shows, they got only "23." Prof. J. R. F1tzpatr1ck, 04, of the This ame serves to show what a I University of Pennsylvania, spent his gooJ ~earn- Cedarville has this year Thanksgiving vacation visiting friends for the JamestJwn team was com- I at Cedarville. posed of ex-college players such as Messrs. John M. Finney, '03, and Kelly, a former Wooster student, and George C. Stewart, '07, of Cincinnati Smith, from Hiram college. But it Medical college, spent vacation m was no u<,e for them to load up for this village. Palmer, McClellan and Capt. William- . 1 , . son played rings around them. Mc- I Mr .. J. Frazier ~ash, 08, who 1s Gaffick sub-forward for Cedarville, I traveling for a Wholesale Supply also sh~wed up well. I HousP, made a business call on Cedar- ' ville, recently. Yoho decided to quit going with Mr. R. B. Shaw, '04, of Columous the girls around here. Saving up for was circulating among old friends Christmas time. during vacation days. NOTICE:- Advi ce given as to how I Miss .Julia Harbison, '09, who has to make a date with one girl for a I Leen in Stuttgart, Ark., for the past season lPcture conrse ticket. See two months, was compt>lled to Teturn Archibald Creswell. I home on account of ill health. I