The Gavelyte, December 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 18G one GAVE Ly TE ' I them and an aid to all. It is only by p1·n1.1,,HEn BY T11~, 1 knowing our~Plves and QUr powers STUDENTS Of CEDARVILLECOLLE6E that we can fulfill our mission hen,. • and Psychology will teach us these. A MONTHLY PUBLICATION Ellit'J'!'<l a .. ~f'('OIHl C'h.:;,; )l:~il )1 ,tttt>r, .in tht> Right here we wish to intimate 1'11-:t <lltil-f'at <'Nl1trvillf', (lllio, Jnnu,ny l!l, 1901:i. that we are tempted to say that the Editor in <'hiE:'f ED\\',\RD SHA\\', 'lO Support given to the COilege papet' .\ ..-:,wiate 1<:dit11r ,r. I' . HARRDIA N, ·11 by the students and alumni this year L itE-rary Editor ~LISS ,JE_\ ET'l.'E ORR 'U9 · s l(·i..ry Edir(,r" - , ~11Rs ADA ALLEN'. ·10 has been bordenng on the verge of 1 EA~L )Ic·<'LE~LA1'. :rn J rottenness. One of the lamentable .\thlc'lic· 1<:<litor C HARLES\ OHO, l:l f . . I )118 · (}RACE HEUKLEY , 'l:l acts IS the inexp licable lack of lo- L 11<·al Editor-- \\'EN DELL FOS'fER, ' l:l j It · · 'b l f I HO\\'.\ RIJ ~1eoAFI•'tcK, ·w ca s. 1s 1mposs1 e or one or two .\lu111ni Editor - ~fl C_\RRfE l~fNNEY , '()8 persons to gather up enough )ocals Hu ..inf':<-: ~l~r I> . I. HRlGHA~I, ' lO • h h . 1 s. F. <:RE \\'ELL. ·w I wit out t e aid and co-operation of .,--~1. Hu-:in<'"" ~r~r,: . - I Dt:\\. 1 ;;,i\B 1 Ii;-f"-/t~ the whole student body. Now lefs --------------- 'all get together· and see what we can "MPrry Chr istmas - and a Happy I do along this line. Also there are a New Year'' I number of students and alumni who j have failed to remit the small sum of In this i:-:sut:>, we \\.{,h to call par- \ one dollar ($1 00) for the payment of ticular atti>ntion to the report of the thei r subscriptiuns. Surely it is not work of Rrv. I{, P. Gor bold in the I too much to ask you to do so at once . miss ions of .Japan. He grad uate<l ! We want to hear from every sub– from Cedarville Co lle~e in the class j scriber. If you can affo rd to pay of '97, the firqt class in the history of lyour suh3cription, do so. If not, the college, and hi3 many friend s will !write anyway, giving your name and be glad to hear of the good \\'Ork that !address so that we may rep_o rt your he is doing for the Ma ter. I case t o the local Salvation Army I ' . . . 1 headqua_r_te_i_·s_. _____ 1 hP first of a sP n es of lessons in l William RiLter gave quite a talk P"ycholugy IJy Pro(· W· R. McChes- ! last Sabbath even ing at Young Peo– llPY, Ph.I>. appears in thi 3 isuue. \ pie's meeting on where peop le who Nl:'Xt to thr Biule, Psyc hol ogy is the I make bullets and fir e them go. It is most important subject in the course, generally conceded that Bill will oc– for it i:- a found 1tion for many of cupy the basement.
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