The Gavelyte, December 1909

IX!.i ------ ---- ----- Philosophic Society. I and whether she carries off in triumph More and more. week by week, I the prize or not she will undoubted– grows the intense interes t .d isplayed ly have gained that which cannot be in the literary meetings of the Philo- taken away, that which is the result sophic Society. Each and e.very mem- of hard awl steady work in all that ber of the society is etriving in earn- goes to make up a good literary est with the fond hopf'S of h:wing society. their society carry away the honors in the contest. Oratorical Association. The ladiss of the Oratorical Assoc- Phil o Soc ie ty. i iation have recently rec~ived a letter Thi;i meetings of Philo Society !from the Muskingum girls chalenging have been steadily increaHing in both I them to a debate sometime rluring interest anrl merit. Everyone is I the second Semester. Although ar– showing an inclinati ,>n to help make 11 rangements are . not yet definit~ly - rach program not on ly one which completed, we thm~ that Cedarville will materially aid in the contest but I College c~n. and will_ be _repre ent– one which will be of interest and I ed by a wmmng team rn this contest. profit. Th e debates are becoming _ Y · M. C. A. quite a feature and in fact along all Each and every Thursday evening lines there is a perceptible improve- at 7 o'clock, the Young Men 's Chris– rn ent sin ce the beginning of th e year. 1 1 tian Association hol,l their meetings, It is hoped by all those who love her , which proYe to be more and more in– that this arlvancement will continue I teresting as they go on. Although