The Gavelyte, December 1909

ohe EXCHANGE BANH.. t 'EAD .-\ RVILL8, OHIO. ORGANIZED 1890. We are steadily adding to our . list of patrons the strongest men of the community. We solicit your patronage. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. Banking by Mail. ' 'C0LLEGE ~TH LETES' ' F11r thP BeRt and CheapPst lin e of Foot Ball and Basket Ball Togge ry, Abo TPnni~ lfacketR anfl all kind,; of porting Outfit anj , upµli es . Do not f;iil to see U for PRICE,, QUALITY, VARIETY, and a SQVHR6 D6HL· ceo. e. Mee1< & co., 36 South Limestone=street, Springfield, Ohio. .,c. C. WEIMER, f5he Palace Meat, Fresh Meats, Fruits, and Veg·etables. GIVE HIM A CALL. I I WALL PAPER And Interior Decorating, I Picture Framing, Stationery - and I Canby The Photographer, ALWAYS PLEASES. Special Rates to ouvenir Post Cards , 1 , c . L. . BAR1'E & CO., c. STUDENTS. Call. I 4 Ore n t. , X nia , 0 . 'X . en1a, Ohio. l