The Gavelyte, December 1909
The ·Gavelyte. VOL. IV . DECEMB.ER 1909. ohe Call of the Woods. (RY WEXDELL FOSTER) Chapt1-ff V. NO. 10. As the train pulled out of Ashland Gertrude and 13eth watched fam ili ar objects pass by and when they n•alized t!1at they were gone; that the ir col– lege days were over and life's work was before them; the st rain was too great and both girls lay bac.:k in their seats and wept. The soul always find~ tomfurt in ,tears; so before long the girls dropped off to sleep and when at last they awoke th:ire were no tears; tired nerves WPl'e rested and they soon uecame interested in their I ide. A~ they neared ('hica!.{"O their thoughts tUrn'"'d to friends ;1t home anu the ~any pleasant times they would have during the long surnlller months. The girls as they got off the train \\'!:'re met by their brothers. They were rejoiced to get home and for the time Ul-ing forgot about school compauions. Ih,tli was angry at hernelf b-ecause she had put McNeil off and at Roy uec,tuse h ... had let h"'r go without some word of love. ,;ertrnde Rl:'emed to understand and comforted her "'ith the fact that Mc ... eil would come back and, a~ she believed, Roy would come also. What tnen ; time could only tell. G,,rtrude had bePn home a month, when one day there came a letter from her au11t \\ ho was overseer of a mission school in Orrgon, stating she was going to ue lwn:e in Augu~t and would pay them a visit if it wmtld ue convenient. They were all delighted and the children would sit for minutes listening to stories auout their aunt and by August they all knew how she had loved a tine young man in Chicago and how the day before the wedding as he was coming home from Cleveland, his train went down "ith a bridge and he was mit.~in1; . The Rhoek was too great for their aunt and when after a
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