The Gavelyte, December 1909
171 THI~ CAVEL\"L'E, ------ sPnd them a ma:1 in a C~)Uple of days and if he wa not everything that evuld be expected of a new fellow fre h from the UniverQity, he would be respon ible. Within two day , Clarance was on his way to Seattle where he would enter upon a work he was anx ious to commence. His nrders were to report at the office a sovn as he arrived in Seattle. It was three o'clock in the afternoon when hi train pulled into the depot. Clarance w2nt traight to the office asked for Mr. Mc eil. Ht was shown into hi office and as he entered the door Mc ei l whirled around in his chair and asked, "Well, ir, what may I do for you to day?" "I believe this is Mr. McNeil, isn't it?" "Yes sir." ''I am the doctor se nt here by Dr. Scott." Mc- eil eyed him a moment and then said: "be sea ted for a few minutes until I finiRh this writing and then I will talk with y(,u." Scott walked over to the window and sat down and was looking out over the bay when some one opened the do ri r and st~pped into the room. He did not look up . But he heard the new comer say. • '' Well father, how is everything going? Has that young doc! or come , yet? I come in after him and I wi-.h to start early in the morning for camp so if he conws in t o– night send him--." Just then Scott think ing he recogn ized the voi re looked up and he met the eyes of Ed McNeil. Both men prang forwan] at the same instant with the question on their tongue.: ''How did you get here?" l\lr. McNeil whirled around and looked on in bewilderment but 8d put him at rest by stating that they had graduated in the same class from college. Then Scott found out who one half the company of McNeil & Johnson was but neither boy had any idea they knew any thing about the other. The only thing Ed knew was that John on traveled thru the eig citie. and started lumber yards for the firm. He had een him a time or two at the office but that wa.s all. Ed learned larancP was the ne .v doctor ancl his delight knew no bound . As soon as Mr. McNeil comprehPnded it all he tole! , cott that he could go and Ed would explain tverytbing and get him started. Clarance could not help but notice that Ed had changed. There seemed to be a smile and fo rgiving ;:;pirit where he hacl never known any thing but a fr own and jealousy. The on ly difference Ed could notice on Clarance wa., he looked older and instead of that, I don't care what happens air, he seemed to have a purpo. e. Clarance went with Ed to hi hotel and staid all night. The next morning the boys were up bright and early, had their breakfaRt and were in th2ir saddles. l'hPy were out of th city and
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