The Gavelyte, December 1910

$15.00 Columb1 ~f 'Ohio. CEDARVILLE l,~LL&lE. 203 The ·New Winter f~ -----------· ft ~- for ~:; :·,: Overcoats fi~ Young Men You see here mark the high- !-!: est develop,rnnt of t ,iloring t art. They emhody evny mod- 1.,i: \~ ern improv1>me1,t that d,·~i~nns .• , •. in a dozen o( the grc,:1t tailor- /~ ing establi:;hments vf the coiln- f:J: try have originated. Thne's t no "slipshod" tail<1ring h..,r e. Everything has been carefully thought out. Every stage rn the clothes Cl)nstructiun shows the touch of the mastf!r hand . lives in y1,ur memory - that's satii:;fying to the minute~t de– tail. All the new fabrics and shades, styles for young men. . {~ f,;: i~~ t;;: f~~