The Gavelyte, December 1910

CEDAl-t VILLE COLLEGE. country to the city and the strange c~n- I Among other Colleges. ditions it had produced. He made a I 209 vlea for a recognition of equal social I rank, of farm and city and urged that Recently John D. Rockefeller gave , n unselfish and sympath tic attitude 1 $ ,820,000 more to the Rockefeller In- xist between them. His lecture was stitute of Medical Research in New most practical and C. C. stud nts will York. Mr. Rockefeller has now contrib– b- gl:id to have him speak to them at uted in all to this work over $6,0'.)0, 000. li:s every opportunity. The faculty of the University of Rev. John Wilson, a C. C. alumn,1r , Mi chigan is about to grant very liberal s::)Oke to the students on the subject credit for work on all student publica– ' · Ihe Privileges of Life." His lecture tions. - How about Cedarville? y,ras the most striking in many r espec ts . . , . tbat we have been privileged to hear Stat1st1cs ~n last year s ?raduatmg :..nd he may be sure that his rema1·ks I clas~ ac Wc. l.ef Ly College: " Just made ,. iJI be r emembered long. ~ubhc, show that of a cL..,.. s of some Dr. Campbell, Pres. of Franklin Col- 1 8?0 young women, 245 are already mar– Lge, New Athens, 0., in his unique but ried or abou t to be. - Ex. i n pressive manner gave a short heart As a punishment for flunking , the t0 heart t a lk to the students on "Prob- [ students at the University of Colorado ]ems of College Life.'' His address I must wear small blue caps, with green was replete with mingled wit · and pa- j buttons. - Ex. thos and we only wish that he might be j "Law-breaking on the part of stu– a~le to come t o i:s often: I dents is as bad as law breaking by any 1 Claro~ L. Shafer, a bl'.n~ lecturer of one else and should be punished as L1~ Ohio State Commiss10n for the readily" - President King of Oberlin in l3hnd gave a chapel lecture to the stu-1 a recent chapel address. d _nts in r gard to the work of the I Llind Commission. Incidentally he Yale's at~letic~ during the past year . . I cost the University $130,626.17. Har- spoke of his coJlege days, of his strug- I vard's athletics for 1910 cost them $127, gles to overc)me his handicap and his J 945.99 and the total receipts were $130, endeavors to secure someone to help !:82.07-Ex. him in his work. The student body had Berlin University celebrated its one - heard h~m on the evening previous in hundreth anniversary a short time ~go, his illustrated lecture at the Opera this makes numerous other America? House and for this r eason his appear- ·1 colleges appear venerable by compan– ance at chapel was all the more we!- son. - Ex. come. Hi~ lecture will long be r emE:m- I Columbia University has an endow– bered and 1t s.hould prove an added 1m- 1ment fund of $28,500,000.-Ex. petus to all oL us who have our five I . . senses to greater effort and more earn-1 In the Rhodes Scholarship exall?-ma– est endeavor. The Commission for the tion recently held at Ohio St~te Umver– Blind is to be congratulated on procur- sity, there were fifteen cand1dat:e~- ... ing a man so gifted and one who knows\ -K1hkih_k. his subject so well, to further its inter- Two thousand, five hundred a!1d thi~- est and carry its humanitarian mcs- J ty five students ~f Penn~ylvama Urn– sage. I versity engaged m athletics last year.