The Gavelyte, December 1910
1 rry Xmas. Happy N w Year. Miss Smith in English :- Every man had to have his ''Spectator'' for break– fast. "Min and Aggie"! Fred Clemans (in Essay) :- Hamilton, veral of the girls have new switches. the aviator, weighs 110 lbs. ''to begin Miss Beckley in Biology, "What is a with?" tick?" Prof. Jurkat is of the opinion that he Blanche Turnbull says Martin is a I is the only one who can be funny in the dandy kid. German class. Prof. Allen - There are hotter things l Yoho remarked, as the cork popped than a stove. out of the Catsup bottle, "That re- Earl McClellan Translating German, I minds ~e of home when we used to "Nevertheless he was a man." j open cider barrels. Prof. Lanning says:- Bill and I al- Yo~o says that plumbers h_ave been ways put coal in doughnuts for eyes. carrymg a match about his Grand- fathers place for two yei,.rs searching Wendell Foster:- "Say Prof. how for a gas leak. many square inches in a cubic inch?" . 1 · One of the honorable Seniors was Miss Beckley says sh never had the I heard to remark before the Ashland blues so bad in her life before. j game that she would like to have a hot Prof. Allen says that most of the I toddy before the game. Farm papers have PATENT INSIDES. We see by the Xenia paper that a Clarence Lloyd, "Another girl and I young man was arrested while in got the same average at H. S." London calling upon a lady friend last Miss Finney- There are two kinds of Sunday. Take notice Prof. equations, pure and simple. ( From the way Prof. Lanning talked we all expected that he would be the Ustick, "I've got a button, I wish first to help the Ashland girls to alight . some one would sew a shirt on to it." from tbe train. But he dido ·t.
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