The Gavelyte, December 1910

C~UAl{VILLB COLLEGE. . 1~9 The Senior Dinner. R. W. USTICK. respects. One could never tell what was going to happen next. In fact, things never came up so quickly as they did on this occasion. Then it was a On the mor_ning of November the meeting of the family, so to speak, for twenty-fourth, as the veil of light was our family_tree is very distinct in its slowly pulled across the sleeping form I branches and their , relation to each of Night, and the stars, one by one, other. And above all, this occasion dis– crept away, to give their place to ma- closed the fact that whatever shall be jestic- day, ther~ were happy hearts and the future occupation of this class, ev– hopeful spirits to be found among the ery member should join the United Or– Senior class. Why? Ah! because it der of Table Finishers. Words fail to was OUR, day, the day when we should express the consumption of food which meet around the table of our own .T ose- took place. You would have to see it phine. For it has been decreed that to believe it. One member expressed the Seniors shall meet four times, dur- the wish that he be carried home, but ing the year, around the banquet table. to be careful ·and not bend him. And let it be said, that if the future But after all it was a grand and glor– dinners reach the mark of excellence ious occasion, and one that every Senior set by this one, they will be "going l'Will remember. some.'' Everything was just as it I' should have been. The decorations of 1 honey-suckle vine and red carnations I Largest Exclusive Shop for Women In Dayton were arranged in such a manner as to Correct Tl1e Conkle Cloak Co Styl e_ . D ress • Autho n ty make the Garden 6f Eden a desert m comparison. The dinner ''came up'' to I Former and Present Location all expectations. If I was to suggest a 1 , 17 South Main Street - Dayton, 0. fitting motto for thi_s class, ''Pass the This Store Has no Other Dayton Connection chicken" would be right. The duty of Fur 5 For ChristfflaS Gifts carving these fowls falls upon the Pres- our firs t co nsi de rat ion is qua! i ty alwny!' ident, and when he got through, the i n every so r t of me rc·handi ~e we sell. Re · members of the class all looked as if , li,~bility is t h" foundation of our business, the had just been rescued from the I the rock we' ve been build iug up o n from the Y yery first. Wh e n y0u buy furs here you have - depths Qf the Gravy Sea. Thanks to I our gu:.irantee tlrnt they will turn out exactly the thoughtfulness of our hostess, the JI as reprn e nted, whether it be tbe mos t in– windows in the dining room had been expensive neck piece o r the most co tly fu r coat gracefully draped in rain aprons, and j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ each guest, while at the table, carried ! an umbrella. . Even this did not prove! MARSHALL'S - · to be an adequate protection, and Mr. , CHOICE FRUITS I Stewart was compelled to make a I Fine Xmas Candies in box or hlk. change of collars before he could appear I C h d . . . ce ream t e year roun . agam m the reception room. . , • Thia was a wonderful night in many Opp. Post Office. City.