The Gavelyte, December 1911

I I \. ' . liroc~ rs, and I un ·ral Directors 1 uto and Lab Service Ph••111• lO and J ,·,i1 ( 'i"lllt \ illt•, ( lhin. - C. H.C OUSE, DEALER IN re h, alt and moked Meats, Lard Etc. ('1 rl 11Yille. Ohio. nn m_, - ~WWW.o:J·-----.+i81-• • -~lifil~b~ • WEBSTERS NEW INTERNATIONAL– DICTIONARY- THEM ERRIAMWEBSTER F?ll=====:====~coveneveryfield of lmowJ-fj,llil=========::::.1 Becau"e 1t 1s th~ onry n~bl ---"- unabridged dic– tionary in many years. Gives ju st the acc,~:i.~e. up– to-da.te inform:i.t:cn you s:> often wish. A sL1~le vcl– ume containing tlie pi,.', and essence of an authori– tative library. Because your needs de– ____ mand then ,grJ- est editoria I ~chola r• sf;ip. Ed.inchief,W.T. Harris, Ph.D., LL. D., Former U.S. Com. of Education. edge inc!:: Agriculture, Architecture, Art, Chemistry, lliectrici!y, · Fiction,Foreslry,Geography, Law,Matbematica, l\lccban– ics,Medicine,Music.M.rtbol- · ogy, Physics, S,no111ms, etc. Because it is the o'!t 9 die– ___ tionnry WL h the n ew t ime-s..1.ving d,vided p: Becaus~ lthas been tested, --- ap;;roi;h•d, ancl accepted by leaders in tile world's activities. Because to K!~ow, means ---- to H 111.S urc,· . Let us tellyou abo:it this supreme au~hority for all who use English. WRITE for apeclmOllll of th6 new divided pl\go, llluatratio:n.a, etc. If you men ti <>n this publlC3'tion, we· will aend FREE. r. set of pockd maps. •&C.MERRIAN.I CO., Slll"inen•ld.Mass.• U.S.A.