The Gavelyte, December 1911

The Ga velyte. VOL. V(. DECEMBER 1911. NO. 9 ' 'The Evolution of a l\1:an." j greed- the seemingluxury ofthefew,'' I have never forgotten the answer. CHAPTER 3. I " What you see is real but cir .. umstances • 1 do not make your lif e. You can rise Commencement day at last arrived. I above your environment if you only so Father was there. We were .takil'.g a I wish and will." "What is there in such walk out the Center Township Pike. , a night as this to make you feel at The smiling June moon was gradually peace with all the world?" "I can not climbing out of the East. The water j tell but I do know it is not of man. It of the old canal flashed jewel like, as is a whispering breath of something the silvered darts piercing the flutter- divine which keeps each heart tt:ned ing leaves sparkled upon its rippling with nobler thoughts. Only those, who surface. can see the beauty and feel the From along the waters edge came mysterious something of such a night, the croaking of the frogs and from off can rise above the common plain of in . the distant night, along the old life and soar to bights unreached be– beaten towpath came the sound of the fo re." "Well Father why cannot all tinkling bell of some farme1 ' " cow as it he ar the call and feel the desire for wound its way out from the barn-yard something better and wi sh to climb to gate. The whip-poo1- wills were calling a higher life?" "Will, at sometime in and the evening doves were cooing. the course of human life, the soul is All nature was crystalized into one awakened to such an ideal. That is peaceful rythm of Heaven's melody. what keeps the world advancing. My heart was filled with joy and song · That is why we have our young people for I felt I had fought a· winning in institations of learning. Every fight. My own strength was my glory student should leave the class room - and temptations were now few and far with an idea of a life purpose and a betw~en. Be1i!la would. be ~ome in the I mis~ion to fulfill. It is ?nly they.who put mornmg from the Umvers1ty. Thus their work to the music of their soul– life was full of hope and gladness the only they who continue ringing in the future seemed sublime. pure and noble thoughts of life that may As I thought, I said; "Father is life win the prize. There is where the realy what it seems, as you see about I universities are failing in proportion to you the trembl es, the poverty, the I the small colleges to send out into the