The Gavelyte, December 1912

CELJAIZ \ 1LL E CO.LLl.Gl:: The methods employed by tl::e of this a r ticle fo r her very apt ex– church through her Board of Edu ca- pression. I cannot imagine living tion, have been crown ed with a large without the understanding of measure of success. An educated P sychology left with me. Do not my peop1e demands an educated ministr y. Anglo-Saxon, French and German Some one has said: "Education is btlP me every day of my life in gain– ever a Colon·istic People. A syE'tem ing the widest inter pretation of what of doctrine which teac·hes a man to I read?" recognize no authority but the will E. S. A., Montana-"In so many of God, makes education necessary, minds my present ,iPO la t ion on a that he may study that will for him- vVestun ran·ch would se ::m not to re– self, and thus exErcise the r igh t of quire a co'l'.ege educati'On, but the private judgment." Such men as n ew life here has many problems college presidents, pr ofe",sors, lead- which I would not know how to eitb cr ing pastors, etc., have been educat ed me t or endure if 'it was not for the by this board. "There is no caur e so capabil'ties which I developed in col– worthy of the investment of conse- ~ege." crated money as that of training the But let the,se ,suffice. "At tbe future ministry. T he welfare and mouth of two or three witn .:: sses let prayers of the church depends upon every word be establish ed." her ministry." A Friend of "The College." Second from "The Woman's Home JOHN ALFORD. Companion" for December, A. D. 1912 -"What I Got Out of College." Many MORALISMS. articles on ,co'llege life have been ex– treme or one sided, but I feel that By " A" 8 0,oster. ttis writer (a graduate· of "Welles- There .is no impropri ~ty in using a ley") has vouched the opinion of sNing-~·ap-on in thf fa l'.. the average coll ge woman. Her col- Here is a good ~ueE' ri on f r '.ll' . ~ lege v as a lar[.e 'Tiastern Woman's Col- men to di cum this winter, "How lege, mine a small California co-edu- Much is Enough?" cat:onal one. Yet both have given Even after the chicken is stolen do us a broader v:sion of life, a better not lock the ch icken-house und ' r tand,ing of ourselves and door s,o tightly that you cannot others, a greater capacity of true get another chicken in. home making, and a more intelligent Greek is like some pills, not good to parent to our children. take, bnt powerful :in the system. Mrs. J. J. M., California, another A horse is not of any use until it is writers-"Dear Editor: Thank you broken , but it is differ ent with a for 'What I Got Out of ollege' in plow. your October number. The 1ast two Very often the unneceso;ary contra- years lhere has been so much maga- diction of an assertion sets it :dne discus,sion in rngard to tbe fu- moving, when oth rwi "' e it would tility of col!ege <>ourees for women have sunk out of sight. that l feel VPry gratful to the author EnPmies do not often pursue a roan,