The Gavelyte, December 1912

\llllll h rh I hi \I k IHIIIIIIIPr ( ll,• WllllYI 1101 ul 111 111 !:int 11 .1btl\ {' thl' l'hlltl' r. Ir h •ncl llwn hilhl nl .lllclPIL llllllt:11 t, r.itl. •rr•\\ hcl•tt .ind hf' whl J1(•r 1 1l,"lloyo11 011, l11ill ,r tr 111 nmon~ th• \\11· h 1,r th1•111? 'tho e nn el lun,• c•om Ill 11 • ncl In ., • wift motion \\'li1frl,,i1· u •11in. Th •\' lll'P lnglng no • b hind h ,avy taff thrust 111\ghil) again t thP trP1·.'' the hnrnnwr n. it f II. It fell Id Hom• . ay It ,, as truP; othPr that ,,ay and ,pllt ln t,,ain. Thp rlnm •. it \\II. (:r gnr and hi. 1'/}lllJ>anlon leaped high ·r. Inna l'la~p d her t'hilrl. chant:ng their ('.1ri. tma.· hymn: On th ,l:•ar .~l n1 stoocl \\'infri d, hiH fa<' :h'nin like the Face of nn angel. 'l\'hn1 "ho11ld he clone now? Kill the chieftnln' · b ~t hon,, to appea:e ";\ II ~lory to Corl on high, \nil to thP arth he pP:H'e! Cood-will. henc·eforth, from hP ven to llll'll Thor. Ah, better .:till! Sacrifice the n, g;n. and never 1·t·as1•, strang-,.>1. rheu ,;i,oke the chieftain Gundhar, "Let the tranger speak." COLLEGIANS AND TOBACCO . Then ,, infried r ad a letter from the A 1fichigan univerHit_v man ha-. Bi hop of Rome bidding them listen computed the amount of tobalco eon– to the word that the mighty Boniface sumsed in various farms IJy student,; brought. Gundhar asked. "What hi of the university last year. He finds tl e word thou bringest?" Then with that during the college term ·t11- all his eloquence Winfried poke, tel'.- dent ,moked 132,210 cigan,, 33,1 0 ing them of the night it wa , of the boxes of cigarettes, 52,000 packa~u.1 natiYity of Christ, the Savior of man- of smoking tobacco tof which 30,00n kind. He beckoned Gregor to bring packages were for cigarettes), and axes. Together they worked on the bought 6, 50 plugs of chewing tobac~o mighty oak. Then came a mighty and 7,000 packages of cigarPtte paper•. wind and tore it from its roots. It The e figures set one to thinkine; fell backward and split in four great whether university men are making piece . exactly the bes u!:e of thei r money '\Yinrr:ed turned to the people: ··on possible for followers of intel!eC'tual this "POt shall rise a chapel to the pursu•ts and high idPal". During his true God; and here 1-, a fir tree college days thi editor does not re– pointin~ toward the stars. let us call call many men in hh daf!s, if anr. it the tree of the Christ Child. who used tobacco in any form. There So they took the little fir to the WPre neither pipe-smokers or cigar-