The Gavelyte, December 1912
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE The announcement of the marriage of Miss Jeanette Collins, formally of this place, to Mr. Guerdon H. Johnson of Barnesville, Colo ., has been received by fri~nds here. Mr. James Hutchi on, Freshman at 1V1uskingum, spent Thanksgiving here with his mother, Mrs. R. F. Kerr. Our advertisers are supporting us why not support them. The Preliminary Oratorical Contest held Nov. 16 was won by E a rl McClellan Paul Turnbull took second place with Ralph Hofmeister third and Orland Ritchie fourth. The announcemant of the marriage of Clarence D . L iggett, '05 to Mi s Blanche Coulter has been received by friends here. Mr. Liggett is located in Fort Morgan, Colo. PHILO LITERARY SOCIETY. The meeting of the Philo Literay Society continued to g row in interest. A splendid and profitable although length~ meeting was held Monday evening, Dec. 9. Among the productions especially worthy of mention were orations by Miss Lucile Gray and Mr. John Collins and declamations by Misses Elsie Veal and Ruth Owings. Last yea r it was decided that each of the literary societi es should g ive a play eve ry other year. This year it is Phi Io's turn. They will give a college phy entitled at the en,1 of The Rainbow" by Lindse y Barber autho r of "After the Grave," "The Kingdom of Hearts Content'' and m ny ot h • r popular p lays . It was first pre e.1ted in 'J9 by the ·na Phi B~ta Sorority of Denv e r U 1iversity The play r.omes highly- cecJm nen led a:1d is interes ting and spicy fr }ffi start to fini ·h. It will be coached by Mrs. W E Putt, who has so uccess fully coached several of the college plays in pa t years lt will e t 1ged iu the local Opera House on Jan. 3L. No one can afford to mi s t hi pla y. Philosophic Society. Two meeti ngs were held last month. Although the progra w ·re rather l<Jng they proved to be interestiJ'g and instructive . Spl endi d de la.11at ions, t-s~ay and ora tions varied with music made up the program each evening. Quite a numbe r of th e members are attempt ing to secure one hundred credits i11 the literary work for the semester, which speaks well fo r the society . 'J'h e regular meeting which should have been Dec. l6, was postponed until Jan. 13, l!JI:3. Eve ryone is invited to attend this meeting as tt will be one of the I b st o f the eme ter. 19
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