The Gavelyte, December 1912

,. J 111 ntal < f till !r,1ternit,· S stem i and dt'!cn es arc utilized th trt' mer h to lull th p11bli que-ti 111. I • I ht, 111111 t1<l th,1 tl1t· pt km n on \\'h,tt 1 1h1 t,111d.11d'! 'I h v n· f1111rl,1 the r h.1rk11, \ ( d ,tr •11111 111 111. I h 11111 t \ tt,il [ht 1· ,liege fr,iternitv i ant,1g,ll1i tic to tlw rmn, tple 111 rt'JJ1tl,!ico111 111 tllu ti ns nd i not a legitimate part of cdu at ion in a demor.ratic c<>11ntr\. t >11 pnrti in of llltr l allege youth i school 'd in o plutocratic ide,1. \\ hich rend r them unfit for n·publican life. Anllther p11rtiun i embittered hy discn111i11.1- tion~ not ba. ed upon merit a11J ar cho led into an.nchi tic <· fir ;111 l11rm 0£ promincn< e, , hile -till oth rs r sign them. elve · to the po:ition qf inf, rinr and sycophant . .'ducation,il i1Ltitution ar intended tu prepare ,1ur ,011th for the dutie! of citizenship. To ever be an idt·al republican riti,en the , r,,g fraternity man mu t forget hi early teaching., the un ielding uutca,t 11111 t forget hi ,·engeful feeling ,ar.d the :vtophant. how can heh rc-deemPtl? flt: i the mo:t pitiable , ictim uf the • y tern. The lraternity i the great modern 1ep.irato1. lt is a p,tr.t it i( .d ruwth up– on the v tern of education and defeat the ver · purpose of correct tra1ni11 l1>r u eful living. It breed nobbery, incubate hate, f ters foppery, educe f,1,·– oriti m and cru he individuality. The situation at Ohio 'tate Uui\·ersit~· 1 the ame a it i everywhere. From Wisconsin to Mis is. ippi and frnm Princeton to California ha the cry gone up for democracy in tlie univer. itie . The social clubs of the ea t and the Greek I tter fraternitie o( the middle we,t are one and the ame thing. Their evils have long been happing in darkened silhouette against the clear ky of clean thinking. nd what i the remedy:• There is but one. Regulation has proved fruitle ome may hope or a change of heart in the fraternity men, but "hope deferrf:'d maketh the heart sick.'' There is one solution. The fraternity mu. t go." The above article wa. clipped from une of o,H e_ change , "The Ohio :tate Weekly." Mr. J. A. f inney, 'U6 i the General ~lanager" uf this paµer, and we wi h to CfJngratulate him nf his good publications.