The Gavelyte, December 1912
C F.l >AR\· 1LLE COLLEGE 7 . from ,G. The men have been out or college ten year s, which means four– Leen years out of high school. They have had time to settle down. Of the 76, one is earning $708, one $12,· 000 a year. Eight are working for $1,200, five for $1,500, nine for $1,800, six for $2,000, two for $2,400, four for $2,500, six for $3,000, four for $3,500 and twelve are earning between $4,000 and $7,500 a year. The aver 0 age tor the 76 .is $2,620. The Freshmen ot Columbia Univcr- sity, in order to distinguish them– f'elves from other classmen are no ~ all using a certain style of pipe with th--ir class number engraved upon it. At Dartmouth stuaents w11u::,e In hl,s new novel, "Stover at Yale," which takes up the whole subject of Ameri can coll eges, Johnson makes a character propose a list of forty gen– eral questions to a bunch of class– mates. But as the story is laid in 1900, the tes t is not hard enough for to-day, says Johnson, though most of his readers admit that then cannot answer the que,stions in "Stover." John,son has just prepared a new list, which, he says, every college s·tudent or graduate ought to be able to answer. Any man in a French or German univers ity could pass a credit– able eX'amination on. them. How many American collegians can, he asks. Johnson's Questions for 1912. On Music l. What is the difference between spends on the Wagnerian theory of opera and The maxi- the old Italian? -r--who wrote "Carmen," and what the hisitory of lits reception? grad&s are above 95 may "cut" classes as often as they wlsh without any penalty. The Princeton ,students an av-..rage of $919 yearly. mum is $2,500 and the minimum $200. The athletic executive committee of Brown University has voted to abol– i h basketball as an authorized sport. Princeton has a farm on which stu- 3. What was Bach's influence on the development of music? Architecture 4. Who was the architest of the dents may work during the summe r for which they are paid two dollars Parthenon? 5. What is the fundamental differ- per day. The singing of "Hail, Hail, etc," is forbidden at Nebraska, upon pain of expulsion. UNLESS YOU CAN ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS YOU ART NOT A MAN OF CULTURE. Owen Johnson declares that the eollege men of today have no genel'al I nowledge, let alone real culture. , lo, t of tlw olleges, he asserts, have be C'Onw mere social clearing houses, wh cirn stucJr,nt · know only a few r.. r t s hastily crammed for examina- 1 ion s ancl promptly forgotten . ence between Gothic and Renaiss;ince architecture? 6. Who was the architect of the Vatican? Religion 7. What was historically new in the Christian religion? 8. What is th e history of the cross as a religious emblem? g_ Describe any two religions be~ ides your own. Literature 10. What Ame1 ican author has proloundly influenced modern tnre? mos t licera-
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