The Gavelyte, December 1913

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Scorer-,Ro s. Ttime of '.halves, 20 1minute:;;, Girls' Athl etic N ot es. The i;rirls' team, which haisiibeen pmctic,i ng for the p,ast two weekis olaved a oract1se game among them elve,s. They -gave good proo f of t h.eir worth and are out ifor a no ther s tate champion:,1:.i·p. Our support at these first two g:i.mes is very promising, also the enthusi-.ism. "'e are grnteful to :rou for this and may you keep it U'P whether in defeat or yictor y and Cedarville Co'1liege wfilL not have a bad r ecord when March 20th ihas com€, COLLEGE MINSTREL SHOW. It is nearing the seai on when the Mins tre l Show will be with u:; once more. All pre,pa1 ations are being made to make •this t he gce.atest s how yet given by the college boys. T wenty members ihave 1 been chos,en to make up the circle and t he ends. Vnder the a'ble dir ection 01'. Prof. Sieg,1er t he 1 boys wm •give us a show that will make Doclrntader or Fields "fiit up and take notice." This :,eat ·s minstrel will haYe six of the best end mEn that Ced,arville h.1s eve r seen, also a dancing team of etght member s. rrh latest songs and jokes ,are bei ng collected, and y,ou will mie:s t1 e greatest 1p,art of y,ou r ye,ar·s enJoymenrt if yiou don't soo thlis 1915 rn~nstrel. \Yatch for the announcement of itihe date. ALUMNI NOTES. RP\', .John .J. \\'ilson, '03. pa.tor or the Presuyterian ch urch , Vir– r-inia, 111., filled the .RUlpit of the R. P. C'hurch, ed,arv ille, the first ,_'aubath in , ·ovemb£r. Albnta Cr swell, '10, wro is pr 'dent of the Greene county C. E. Pnion, attended the f'ounty Officers' Conference held in Columibus, 'o · mb 0 r l"i-29 Ro lint I3) ron Harriman arrived at the home of Mr. and frs. Wal– ter P Harriman on • 'ovemlber HI, 191:3. Mr. Harriman. '12, is ·pa.s,tor o! the R<·forrued Presbyt ri·a n congr gation at F'airview, Pa. Mio· Laura 'i\'right, '1 :{, i principal of th high school, ait Idaville. Jud. A DH" thos who "P nt the Thank:gi\'ing YaC'ation at {' darvill .,..,.r .Julia Ha1uibon, 'O!:!, 1 . Jr. aud .\Jrs. Lloy,d ('onfarr, '09, John t ,,_ a1 L, 'I L, l<'r, d Bird , '10, antl Ila llanH' Y, 'l 2. l<J!Jl1,•I 1 •. illan, '1 IJ, is tc•ac·hing at Linds y, Ohio H 1th J a111.<>y (di tlngui,hini l>•lw t:>n them anings of words) – tJiln ''lo <>'' gu(. a littlP tartlH·r thau "lik ." E. peri nee will t 11. 9