The Gavelyte, December 1913
JO THE GAVELYTE Bits of Locals -In oratory class Paul Turnibull's interpretation of Hie- w0rd "eHxer" was "ihe-licks-her." vVlond 1er 1f this word has a very 'J)r(lmi– nenlt 1 pl1a:ce in Paul's vo·ca:bul<1ry? -('An old ,couple in ,a ,buggy on ·a dark night.) "I'll dedaTe, I thought t•his w-a,s, t'he dark 1 0d: t'he ,mtlo:.." ".So it is," replied hh: c.omp,anion. "'I'hat',s just Ad,a •Wiallace and Bruce Anders,on coming down <the rorud ." -Picture framing neatly and promptly done at Nagley's Studio. -The lbruskeit'ball girls w.ould hke to s•how thieir a•I)II>reci.Jrutr on of the neiw d.ressing room in the gym !by 'hugging ,the f,aculty. Unlike GoveTruor Glenn, the las,t lecturer, th1ey, are more paritiicular a:bout tb~ men than women. -na~ph E.-Wh•at do you want f;_:1· ::>i:.'iEtnms? Mary C.-A dia.mcnd ri ng. Ralph C.-'Can',t 'l •be 1 Sianta Claus'? ? r -RJos,c:,oe ,JVfo!Corkle wourd like S·arut:a 10Jam, to •bring .!1 1 1m :a house to 'PU<t ·bJi,s neiw l'•et :of •furniture in. -Kodaks and photo supplies at Nagley's studio. -C,a;rl Duncan S'Ported a bl,ack eyie {or .a f,ew days. Nice thing to 'be l:lig·g>eT ,t•han he ts, BI,anche-yiou oan ·protect him. -Prof. '.Jurkat ·su~iered i1'l ,effects from T ,b.Jan.ksgivin,g. -Miiss Hazel Lmvry h'as enga@ed '1\1iss M,ary Bird to compose her wedidin,g march. W·o·nder when it is to come off? _JRachel T. ,to Carey R.~Wih-ere is your hroth:er? I IIIlean your little brother. -Put Kodak on that Christmas list. Nagley's Studo.: . -lit b.ials· ibeen thot fby '<me of ,our Great stud€:nts, ithat the ruame Cooper means dream. ---1HJofmeisiter is ,singing ,a new s•ong-"Have ycu got •anot!her girl at Jiome likie 1M,a;yy?" -;When Roscoe says, "Oh, I've qui,t all tha,t," just wait. It only takies two or three d1ay,s. ---.Tou,gh luck, Bruce, :tut y,ou'l 1 l •have to l'eaxn "ithe early 'Bird' catches, the--'Wallace." -There is still time to have yo_ur photo taken for Christmas at Nagley's Studio. -I wondeir who was .~·o s'ick up in t he l.Ja:b. and why? -Poor Hiof,mei'ster, hie ,has, ruo conscience. -Bl 1 a11:che--"Y-y-e..s, I supipos·e so." ~'P,au'l (in oratocy clias·s) -,P,rof,es·sor what is the ,feminine or thiat word financier, 1 or rt:Jhe woman who i,s •engaged? --ISiay, felllow studenits, did yiou enjoy the Koehne l ecture or the 1 otiber Oil'e?
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