The Gavelyte, December 1913

12 THE CAVELYTE -Any one wi,s1hing to 11:iee some "riich" movin,g pi<oture.s just peep in rtbe musiic rnoim lreyhiol . - Stud nt.___,Oairl Duncan's ,gmiting 'fat. •Compan1on-1Pe,rh•apis it's, the associiaition. ----'Sayi girls, '.IDthe'l Beekman's feet ar,e either awfully large or else ·~oam" Toos,s'•s •are ,aiWifuHy, aiwfuHy sma:11. - '~Oh, 1 S'1uS1h" ! ! ! ---tRa;c.hel Tarbox ! (ait ,baJsik et1:!ball •gaime.) "RJah ! IR,aih ! Riah ToWDJSley! Tiownsl 1 ey! -4We aH give up. Latin dass. Towns1'0y" ! Nancy ·b<as made a •perfect, "et optimum" in ~NlortLce: I aim surveyiing •a little ,and if any one •bas any f 1ur– veyiing t o d,o call on 'llle, and I wHl give you satis,fact\ion. I survey rwH;h a yards:tiok.-P. \H. Cres:well. _.Messrs. Ernest a,mJ. Wendel•! Foster, of Lane 1Seil'.llin'3JI'y spent thetr Tlb,ankisgivin,g viaication •at !home. -4Pro1'.-Wihlat 1are the three means ;J)y wihfoh iheat is transmitted from one point rto anptJheir? Studient----'Condu,otJion, convention and raidi1ation. -W1lma:h (goin1g 1hlome after Koehne 1'e-0tur,e): ",Maimima, you can go on 'hiome lid: you want ,to; W,rur,d :and I wiill oome 1alone." ·co 1 me ,a:lone." -We would sug.ges,t 1!h:at Paul Turnlbull make s,ure thiat his candy it not h'Ot the Il!ert time. -"Doc" Lloyd-"I ha.rte <!e1i·bacy." Weaver (singing in Lab.) - -"Wm Y'O'll go home with me?" Tha1ohel Tarbox (qu~ckly)-"No." A OHRISTM,AS DINNER. '!'hat an eiect riic ,current o.f 100,0 V'OUs i·s equal in food value to a 'Porterhouse steak with potato aMps i<s the rypinion of Prof. Berj'Oine, :UOrdeiaux S'cien1ti'st.-Neiws Item. 'I'od1ay 'ils Chri-s1tmais1 d,ay, my dears, On dynamos we'll dine, T1hen take '.1- ri,g 1 ht good 'lri.lowatt For old Jan,g syine; ~nd1 while we feast, let's wot !orget The 1homeless and t he poo:r, 'But send them O'hms mo eait that tihey ,May ohrnless ·b~ no more. But children, d,o nlOt vo1rt your :foo(]- 1 'T·wil1 amper yiour d-igesition– 'A!nd lbe careful Watt you ea:t [s meteir, wiithou:t question. ·-T·he Expo i<tor.