The Gavelyte, December 1913

14· TI IE GAVELYTE HOW WOULD IT LOOK TO SEE Prof. Jurlrnt in a ful1 dress suit? ,Bau'l Cr ,swel'l wiith his hair comlbed? Blanche doing the tango? Ro.scoe w1ithout his pipe:' Prof. Allen in sho,rit trouseT.,-: Paul Turnbull on one side o,f the room ·M,1t l\1iss l•'u.:!.re ;n: t11e ·Pnof. Lanning walk past Miss Ritclbie'ISI door? 'Miary Ha·stings taking ia na,,p? "Prof. .McOhesney playing 'basketball? ' Ca-m" get stung! Riachel without a smile' !Merle p1,eooi ng his suiy? Fred Towns 1 ley in a hurry? 'IPeer" without a mouth? Mis's Cres1well lead cnape!. "Ar,3 coHege me'D. interested in •the liquor iproblem and are they doing anything practical in the anti-liquo,r movement?" can erusily be .amisw.ered ·by the figures of ,a recent lbuJ.oletin o<f the Initercolle•giate Prohilbition Associ,a,tion o<f AmeTiica, whioah lists over for<t.y colleges, • and univel'saties where students have ,takien a ipart in boan'<i-to-hand fig1hting against sal,oons in their towns •or states. This num'ber is exC'lUl!:'ive of the 'ffilany other colleges wfu.icih have furnished individ- ual men in the thousand the I. P. A. has turned out for summer work in "state~wide" •and 1pr<Yhi1bition c,ampaigns in ·the last eig,ht years. RAH! RAH ! RAH! "Htarol<l'.s father is ,a colrege man ailld !Harold !has come to uncler– !ltand, despite t:Jhe faot that he is only six, tih'at >his father regards ·a ,.,"ollege man' ias far superior to the •aver-age ,mortal. But 'Harold's fait:heir doesn't likie dogs and has an numerous oocasions frowned upon lri,s small 1mn's des,i re to own a •pup. One day recently ,a neighbor called Har.old over to see him and offered to give him a dog if his father wo11ld let •him !have it. 'Go ask y,our f.ather if you can have it,' said the neigh1bor, 'and tell him it 1is ,a thorough!bred collie pup.' 'Oh, Da:d,' s1aid Htaro~d when he reached his ,father, 'Mr. Bliaine wants to give me one of ihds dogs, if you will let me •have it. You wiJI let me ihave it, won't you, 'Dad? Beciause, you see, it is a t!horough– 'bred college pup.' Harold got the clog.''