The Gavelyte, December 1913
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 17 NAGLEY BROS. Bastian Bros. Co. GROCERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Store Telephone No. 40. J H. "·agley, Res .. 'o. 8-1. M . C. Na gley, R es , No. 159. Cedarville, Ohio. l\Ifg., Jewe lers, E ngrav e rs and Stationers. E ngraved Invita tions and P rograms , Class and Frat e rni ty Pins. 375 BASTIAN BLDG., Rochester, N. Y. .F. K. Waddle BR. ID GE --o-- Livery and Feed STAB LE Patronage of Student s Solicited () C d r i He, Ohio. Barber Shop If we please you tell others
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