The Gavelyte, December 1913

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Our Exchanges T he Gavelyte acknowledges the recai'Pt o f the following Novem– ber excha!lges: Cooper Courier ; The Collegian; The Wil.mingtonian; T he College Voice; Black and Magenta; !P ur ple· and Gold; The Argus and the Otte1•bein Aegis. ?i"e are impres,sed wiith the disti nctive western en.thusiaisim •and co llege S'Pirit dis·playEd by the Coope r Oourrie r, Ster Ling, K>ans,a.s. in their athletic reports. Perhaps a little more "<pe p" wouldn't hurt some of the schools further east. The ~ 'ovembe r number of the ,collegian (HEnry Kenda ll Oollege) . :s .,plendid for an initial number. Keep up the good •work There is a splendid essiay on ''The Qualities of True 'Frien,ds h rp," in the Tovemfber Wilmingtonian. It will J)ay you to look i t up. The leading art1icle, "Working in Sh!adiow," Qlf The Colleg-e Voice. ·wtst Lafay,ette College, is worth readi ng. The ... 'ovember i.ssue of the Black and Magenta (Musk ingum Col– l ge), is largdy given over to the annual scrap between t he F'reshrrnen and Sophomores, consisting of a tug-of-war, a flag rus•h iand ia ,foot b•all game. '·Curin' Curious ,('u,mmin.s," p10mis Es, to be a n interest ing and unubual stor y. F'or a nea,t and well-gotten up pa,per the P u l'ple a nd 1Gold, , Ash– land olJEg ) surpasses anything which we have seen . It ,contains ,an excf:l!Pnt n.ab. ditorial on "Su<:CE::i"'.' Rah' Rah! Ea.6y money! Easy Money! Pa! Pa! Pa! - llh:. \ onld you throw a rove Lo a drowning lemon ju~t to give a Ji,.mon-aid? -mx. "Dan ' Thank ·giving," in the Argus (Vindlay College). 1.s an .,x cllenr ohort story. 'lo ad\· rti:;f'r~: " On•· tc-p wou ' t tak you vel'y far got to ke -p on walking; 11<1 \\'on 'il: tell folks wlmt y u ar , ( JJ iuc II \\Oll ' l lUftkt• ~ u I Pl".\ tn ll , t to k., p 011 °1 "iug ; ad I ou 't do it all ·P[J 'eUl goi ug " 5