The Gavelyte, December 1914
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 11 evening, December 15. 1Everbody come. (Doc McKinney surveys Ward and Wilmah in the music room) Doc-Is this a class? Ward and Wilmah (in chorus)-No, we're just getting r eady for the next class. The following poetry appeared on the bulletin board recently : "One morning Milldred met a pig, She thought it needed knowledge, So that day at 10 o'clock She brought the pig to college." (The morning after the night before) Wilmah-We will have beans for breakfast this morning. If Harry is a bird will 'Helen Ogles-be? (Playing the animal game at 1Bird's)-Ada: Australian cock tail. Is ::vriss Holliday a carniverous animal or not? She seems to eat animal crackers all right. Wilmah (eating an animal cracker minus a foot)-This animal must have the "foot and mouth" disease. 0, what is so rare as a day in June? To see Billy Hastings with a girl. Le' AGEN DA. Nov. l~Clifton band toots for temperance on the public squa r e. Nov. 2-:\1iss Holliday gets her foot in it. In what ? I n a little tin can full of black paint. Swell temperance parade at 6 p. m . Ohio is going dry? ?° ? •'ov. 3-No recitations. The professors stand· on the street co r– ner and chase voters in. All-day pra:yer meeting in the R. P. church. E. K. Holliday starts a Psalm tune and trails off into "I'm tired of living alone." Nov. 4-Returns from the election. Adams county not on the list; also, Licking county was licked off. Nov. G-Our sweet, innocent, little boys become mischievous and hide the girls' hats. They also try to make some of the girls late to Sickology class. ' ov. G-1Prof. Jurkat's got th habit-cut second hour short ac– cidentally. Pretty good habit, say we. Chafing dish party for three. For particulars ask the fourth party who was not there. Nov 7, 8 and 9-Just existing until Nov. 10th. Nov. lO~Big rec: ption given by Prof. and Mrs. JcChesney for tlw c:olJPge students. Everyone tries the "Jip stunt." Dwight takes a lJean slide on th stairs. "Odu" that time, lJut he went "even"
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