The Gavelyte, December 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Mention the Gavelyte when you are shopping. 25 BUY YOUR FURNITURE IN XENIA AT ADAIR'S. Our Motor 'l'ruck will deliver your g·oods the same day purcbased. We are able b• sell 25 per cPnt lower t llan tile city ilt-01"•~-. btJ– causP- our r1->nt ancl other ex– pt-'11,;es are so much le3s. XENIA, OHIO. SNOW BALL FLOUR ---0--- The kind that adds a delicious flavor to bread, pastries and cake Walk-Over Shoes - - FOR- MEN OR WOMEN $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Other Makes $2.00 to $6.00 \i\Then you want a perfect fit see us, as we use the Foot-0-Graph system of fitting and carry widths AAA to EE. Clifton Milling Co. MOSER'S SHOE / STORE I. B. PRESTON & SON . XENIA. OHIO Groceries Fruits and Vegetables. Al o a Large Quantity of Xmas Candies W addle's Grocery • • Phone 2=26.