The Gavelyte, December 1914

The Gavelyte VOL. IX DECEMBER, 1914 NO. 3 Why Finance Cedarville College S. C. Wright, F inancial Agent. The first question that naturally arises in the minds of those who contemplate investing money in an ed1,1caUonal institution is whether or not it is a wise and safe investment. They wonder whether they might not give to another school where the returns would be larger and where greater good might be accomplished. These questions are pertinent. Men and women do not give because of sentiment or emotion so much as a desire to reach the greatest num– ber and do the most good. This is a ioplendid mark of modern be– nevolence. Money given by •Christian people for the purpose of ad– vancing Christian education must be made to return a dollar's worth of good for every ·d,ollar expended. The next question, then, does f'edarville College measure up to the proper standard? Whether it does or not depends very much on the standard by whicli it is measured. If you compare the cost of a four years' course at Cedarville- with that at our state universities and our larger colleges you will discove1 that it is considerably lPss expensive at Cedarville. If you examine Celdarville's course of study you will find that it is equal to that of any college in the land. If you investigate its faculty and the quality of work per– formed you will find they are excellent. If you inquire into stu– clPnt life and environment you will find it far superior to that of many schools and excelled by very few. Look into the records being made by the graduates of Cedarville and you will learn that they are mea. uring up to the highest standards. Why su pport Cedanille ('allege? It is a distinctly C'hristian institution. 1'he world needs it. There ne,,er was a time in the history of the world when the demand for cultured brain and truly dev loped character was so great. ('r,ld arville College is past the experimental stage and is a growing inRlitution. 1t has twenty yearc' of succ ssful history. \YP ;ulJmit the above as some of the reasons why Cedarville I-' hould lie Iilwra lly RU pported by Christian philanthropists. 'VVe court iuv1•stigation. •